GC-QqQ (1)

Thermo TSQ 9000 coupled to a Thermo Trace GC with PTV injector.

Kontakt: Cornelia Karger

GC-QqQ (2)

Thermo Quantum XLS Ultra coupled to a Trace GC with a Gerstel thermodesorption/pyrolysis unit (see Pyrolysis lab).

Kontakt: Michael Gabriel

GC-FID (headspace)

Agilent GC with S/SL and headspace injection for analysis of volatiles in addition to standard boiling range hydrocarbons and lipids (also whole oil). Coupled with a Gerstel fraction collector (see Wet / Prep chemistry).

Kontakt: Kristin Günther


AlmscoBenchTOF-dx coupled to a Thermo Trace GC with PTV & S/SL injection.


(see high-res MS).

Kontakt: Cornelia Karger


Thermo Altis coupled to UltiMate3000 UHPLC.

Contact: Cornelia Karger

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