Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting

Four years after the launch of the CHAMP satellite and more than two years after successfully placing the GRACE satellite pair into orbit a first joint meeting of the CHAMP and GRACE Science Teams was held on July 6-8, 2004 at the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ).

The meeting stimulated a broad discussion within the international science community on the exploitation and application of the gravimetric, magnetic and atmospheric data products from these highly innovative geodetic missions in low altitude orbits. It also demonstrated the CHAMP/GRACE mission data potential for Earth system science studies when being used in combination with data from complementary remote sensing missions, aircrafts and ground instrumentation.

For the Scientific Organizers:

Christoph Reigber
Byron Tapley


  • Geotechnologien Status Seminar "Observation of the System Earth from Space"
    Overview (schedule & titles)
  • Solid Earth (SE)
    Overview (schedule & titles)

    • SE 1: Geopotential Satellite Missions
    • SE 2: Geopotential Models: Interpretation & Application
    • SE 3: Global Gravity Field Recovery
    • SE Splinter 1: LEO Orbit Determination and Analysis
    • SE Splinter 2: Geopotential Field Recovery and Validation
    • SE Splinter3: Mission Data Processing and Data Management and Dissemination

  • Ocean / Ice / Hydrology (OIH)
    Overview (schedule & titles)
    • OIH 1: Ocean
    • OIH 2: Ice
    • OIH 3: Hydrology & Temporal Variations in General

  • Atmosphere / Ionosphere
    Overview (schedule & titles)
    • AI 1: Neutral Atmosphere
    • AI 2: Ionosphere / Thermosphere

 The following documents are available for download:

The conference proceedings of the Joint CHAMP/GRACE Science Meeting are only published here on this website. Papers in alphabetical order of first authors:

G. Austen and E. W. Grafarend:
Gravitational field recovery from GRACE data of type high-low and low-low SST

O. Baur and G. Austen:
A parallel iterative algorithm for large-scale problems of type potential field recovery from satellite data

H. Dobslaw and M. Thomas:
Considering ECMWF forecast data for GRACE de-aliasing

A. Eicker, T. Mayer-Gürr, and K.H. Ilk:
A global CHAMP gravity field by merging of regional refinement patches

K. Fleming, Z. Martinec, D. Wolf, and I. Sasgen:
Detectability of geoid displacements arising from: changes in global continental-ice volumes by the GRACE gravity space mission

Ch. Gerlach, J. Flury, B. Frommknecht, F. Flechtner, and R. Rummel:
GRACE Performance Study and Sensor Analysis

R.H. Gooding, C.A. Wagner, J. Klokočník, J. Kostelecký:
Champ's triple passage through 31st- and 62nd-order orbit resonance

J. Hinderer, F. Lemoine, D. Crossley & J.-P. Boy:
Time changes of the European gravity field from GRACE: a comparison with ground measurements from superconducting gravimeters and with hydrology model predictions

Martin Horwath, Reinhard Dietrich, Franz Barthelmes, Christoph Förste, Peter Schwintzer:
CHAMP normal equation analyses for assessing sensitivities and parameter correlations

J. Huang and M. Véronneau:
GPS-leveling and CHAMP&GRACE geoid models

K. H. Ilk, T. Mayer-Gürr, A. Eicker, M. Feuchtinger:
The Regional Refinement of Global Gravity Field Models from Kinematical Orbits

Lorenzo Iorio:
The challenge to reliably measure the general relativistic Lense-Thirring effect with a few percent accuracy

S. Macmillan, V. Lesur and A. Thomson:
Geomagnetic field models including signals arising from the solar wind sector structure

T. Mayer-Gürr, K.-H. Ilk, M. Feuchtinger, and A. Eicker:
Global and Regional Gravity Field Solutions from GRACE Observations

T. Mayer-Gürrr, K. H. Ilk, and A. Eicker:
ITG-Champ02: An Improved Gravity Field Model from a Two-Year Observation Period

T. Reubelt, M. Götzelmann, and E. W. Grafarend:
A new CHAMP gravitational field model based on the GIS acceleration approach and two years of kinematic CHAMP data

M. Thomas and H. Dobslaw:
On the impact of baroclinic ocean dynamics on the Earth's gravity field

L. Timmen, O. Gitlein, J. Müller, H. Denker, J. Mäkinen, M. Bilker, H. Wilmes, R. Falk, A. Reinhold, W. Hoppe, B.R. Pettersen, O.C.D. Omang, J.G.G. Svendsen, O. Øvstedal, H.-G. Scherneck, B. Engen, A. Engfeldt, G. Strykowski, R. Forsberg:
Observing Fennoscandian geoid change for GRACE validation

G. S. Vergos, I. N. Tziavos and M. G. Sideris:
On the validation of CHAMP- and GRACE-type EGMs and the construction of a combined model

C. A. Wagner and D. C. McAdoo:
Time variations in the GRACE gravity field: Applications to global hydrologic mass flux

J. Watermann, H. Lühr, P.T. Newell, P. Stauning, F. Christiansen, and K. Schlegel:
The latitude relation between small-scale field-aligned currents and energetic particle precipitation in the low-altitude cusp

M. Wermuth, L. Földvary, D. Svehla, C. Gerlach, T. Gruber, B. Frommknecht, T. Peters, M. Rothacher, R. Rummel, and P. Steigenberger:
Gravity Field Modelling From CHAMP Kinematic Orbits Using the Energy Balance Approach

Q. Zhang, P. Moore, A. Alothman:
Temporal Variability in the Earth�s Gravity Field from GRACE: Comparisons with SLR Tracking, CHAMP and GPS and Geophysical Data

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