SEismic imaging of the Ivrea ZonE

SEIZE is the active seismics part of the ICDP-proposal DIVE (Drilling the Ivrea-Verbano ZonE). The Ivrea-Verbano Zone (IVZ) in the Italian Alps is one of the most complete and most studied, time-integrated arche-type of continental crust–upper mantle section on Earth. Moreover, it provides the best natural laboratory to significantly advance our understanding of the continental lower crust and crust–mantle transition zone by a combination of geoscientific approaches and scientific drilling. Drilling a 4-km deep hole in the IVZ will provide an unrivalled opportunity to link geophysical and geological data via core observations, downhole logging, microbiological sampling, hydrological studies, and various geophysical-geological surveys around the borehole area.

SEIZE provides the seismological image of the upper crust in the Balmuccia area needed to plan, execute and interpret the results of the ICDP drilling.

Time frame

  • 1.10.2020 - 30.06.2024


  • DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SPP-ICDP

Principal Investigators

  • Prof. Dr. Michael Weber (GFZ Potsdam)
  • Dr. Klaus Bauer (GFZ Potsdam)
  • Dr. Christian Haberland (GFZ Potsdam)
  • Dr. Trond Ryberg (GFZ Potsdam)
  • Prof. Dr. Charlotte Krawczyk (GFZ Potsdam)
  • Dipl. geophys. Manfred Stiller (GFZ Potsdam)


  • Dr. Britta Wawerzinek (GFZ Potsdam)


  • Othmar Müntener (U. of Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • Mattia Pistone (U. of Lausanne,  Switzerland)
  • Luca Ziberna (Trieste, Italy)
  • György Hetényi (U. of Lausanne, Switzerland)
  • Alberto Zanetti(Pavia, Italy)

Methods & Equipment

  • 2 active seismic profiles of 10 and 17 km length, respectively
  • 3 Vibroseis Trucks (1 Truck backup) with 60 m source spacing (450 VP)
  • Receivers Reflection - GIPP 300 channels at 20 m, roll-along
  • Receivers Tomography - GIPP 55 + 85 stations at 200 m, fix spread


  • Ryberg, T., Haberland, C., Wawerzinek, B., Stiller, M., Bauer, K., Zanetti, A., Ziberna, L., Hetenyi, G., Müntener, O., Weber, M.H., Krawczyk, C.M. (2023): 3-D imaging of the Balmuccia peridotite body (Ivrea-Verbano zone, NW-Italy) using controlled source seismic data.  Geophys. J. Int., 234 (3), p. 1985-1998;
  • Ryberg, T.; Haberland, Ch.; Weber, M., H.; Bauer, K.; Wawerzinek, B.; Stiller, M.; Krawczyk, Ch., M.; Zanetti, A.; Ziberna, L.; Hetényi, G.; Müntener, O. (2023): Wide-angle seismic data (“fixed spread”) from the Oct. 2020 3D survey across the Ivrea Zone, Italy (project SEIZE). GFZ Data Services.
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