Seismic Pool

The seismic-pool provides a large number of data logger, broadband seismometers and shortperiod sensors.

Recorder / EarthData EDR-210

The EDR, made by EARTH DATA (U.K.), is a digital recording system for stand-alone use,  but also for use with communication (e.g. real-time data via SEEDlink).
Adaptor cables are available for all types of broadband seismometers belonging to the DEPAS pool.
Digitiser SetUp and Control can be done via serial link (manufacturer software). Additionally, a GFZ-GIPP made Recorder SetUp and Status View Software (including Digitiser Parameters) is available for the use of WIN/DOS. The GFZ User Software also supports Group SetUp; and the Control functions, as Status View and Configuration File Download, are performed as one-key commands.
Data Retrieval is supported by GFZ User Software and by a set of disk adaptors cables to connect the hard disk to standard USB-2.0.

EarthData EDR-210 Recorder, 143 units
140 Units      3 Channels
3 Units          6 Channels

Hard Disk, 140 units
143 Units     32.0 GByte

Parameters - Input Signal
Channels                     3 or 6, plus 8/4 auxiliary
Preamplification      1; 10 ; 0.4; 50

Digital Signal
Sampling Rate     1; 2; 4; 5; 10; 20; 25; 40; 50; 75; 100, 120; 125; 150; 200; 250; 300; 375; 500; 600; 750; 1000 sps; 3000 sps (reduced dynamic range)                                  
Resolution               MiniSEED, ASCII: 1 microVolt/digit ( @ PreAmp = 1 ) digitiser output: 3.9 nanoVolt/digit
Dynamic Range      140 dB @ 100 sps, 150 dB @ 10 sps, 125 dB @ 1000 sps

Time Keeping
Clock                           ±10 µs (GPS locked)
Synchronisation     GPS, continuously or cycled

Data Storage
Hard Disk                   Solid static disk (FAT 32)
Storage Format      ASCII, upper 3 Bytes of digitiser output MiniSEED, compressed (Steim-1), based on upper 3 Bytes 'legacy', PR2400 multiplex (equivalent to digitiser output)

Physical Parameter
Power Consumption              0.8 Watts to 1.2 Watts (@ 3*100 sps)
Weight                                          Recorder, including disk: 1.6 kg
Operating Temperatures      Recorder and Disk: -20 to +60 °C

Connectors  (Front Panel, Hard Disk)
Power Consumption Calculator

Recorder / EarthData PR6-24

The EDL, made by EARTH DATA (U.K.), is a digital recording system for stand-alone use.
Adaptor cables are available for all types of broadband seismometers belonging to the DEPAS pool.
Digitiser SetUp and Control can be done via serial link (manufacturer software). Additionally, a GFZ-GIPP made Recorder SetUp and Status View Software (including Digitiser Parameters) is available for the use of WIN/DOS and PocketPC based field palmtops. The GFZ User Software also supports Group SetUp; and the Control functions, as Status View and Configuration File Download, are performed as one-key commands.
Data Retrieval is supported by GFZ User Software and by a set of Hard Disk Reading Adaptors. The adaptors convert IDE into SCSI for direct access to the hard disk from any LINUX PC.
A limited set of adaptors converts IDE for USB or FireWire connection. Have also an extended look at the recorder (154 kByte) and at the GFZ type casing (149 kByte). 

EarthData PR6-24 Recorder, 63 units
35 Units     3 Channels (111 Units with USB connector)
28 Units       6 Channels (28 Units with USB connector)

Hard Disk, 372 units
45 Units        10.0 GByte
4 Units           20.0 GByte
33 Units        30.0 GByte
340 Units      40.0 GByte

Parameters - Input Signal
Channels                    3 or 6, plus 4 auxiliary
Preamplification     1; 10 ; 0.4 (85 units only)
Clipping                      1; 10 ; 0.4 (85 units only)

Digital Signal
Sampling Rate       1; 2; 4; 5; 10; 20; 25; 40; 50; 75; 100, 120; 125; 150; 200; 250; 300; 375; 500; 600; 750;
                                     1000 sps; 3000 sps (reduced dynamic range)
Resolution               MiniSEED, ASCII: 1 microVolt/digit ( @ PreAmp = 1 ) digitiser output: 3.9 nanoVolt/digit
Dynamic Range     140 dB @ 100 sps 145 dB @ 25 sps (4 Byte digitiser output 150 dB) 96 dB @ 3000 sps
                                     (upper 2 Bytes only)

Time Keeping
Clock                           1*10e-6 (TCXO)
Synchronisation     GPS, continuously or cycled

Digitiser Buffer
RAM (volatile)     16 MByte
Format                     4 Byte

Data Storage
Hard Disk                10.0 GByte (Data Partition 8.8 GByte, FAT 32) 30.0 GByte (Data Partition 27.3 GByte, FAT 32)
                                    40.0 GByte (Data Partition 36.6 GByte, FAT 32)
Storage Format     ASCII, upper 3 Bytes of digitiser output MiniSEED, compressed (Steim-1), based on
                                     upper 3 Bytes 'legacy', PR2400 multiplex (equivalent to digitiser output)

Physical Parameter
Power Consumption             < 1.8 Watts (GPS cycled) to 2 Watts (GPS conti) @ 3*100 sps
Weight                                         Recorder, including disk: 4.3 kg (new series 3.75 kg
Operating Temperatures     Recorder and Disk: -20 to +65 °C

Connectors (Front Panel, Hard Disk)

Power Consumption Calculator

Recorder / DSS CUBE

The DSS CUBE recorder (201 units) is a stand-alone 1-channel digital data recorder. It is characterized by a small and light-weight design and extremely low power consumption. This means that it runs on 2 D-cell batteries for up to 3 weeks (depending on temperature etc.). High timing accuracy is provided by build-in GPS. Data are accessible via USB-based download. Main field of application are controlled-source seismic field experiments.

The DSS CUBE recorder is a GFZ development, developed at Section 2.2 “Geophysical Imaging” and the “Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam” (GIPP). Credits belong to Trond Ryberg, Mike Hönig and Karl-Heinz Jäckel who initiated and put forward the project. The development was completed in Summer 2009, the first 14 units were manufactured in September 2009. 210 units of this type are available (supply on loan) through the GIPP since February 2010. (more information)

Recorder / DATA-CUBE3

The DATA-CUBE3 recorder (800 units) is a stand-alone 3-channel digital data recorder characterized by a small and light-weight design and extremely low power consumption. It is an advancement of the DSS CUBE recorder developed at the GFZ. Internal and external batteries can be used thus making it a versatile instrument for both controlled source applications and passive seismics. High timing accuracy is provided by build-in GPS. A version with external GPS antenna and solely external battery is also available (163 units). Data is accessible via USB-based download. (more information)


Recorder / GEODE

The Geode™, made by Geometrics, is a multi-channel digital recording system. The system consists of 24-channel recorders linked together by an interface cable using TCP/IP, and finally linked via interface box to a common PC LAN socket. Each recorder box is feed by a 260 m geophone spread cable (GIPP ordered two 130 m cables instead) having takeouts for PE-7 clips every 10 m.
The information is stored first in the recorder box (volatile RAM!!), and then transmitted to the PC on request.
Parameter SetUp, Line Check, and Data Retrieval are controlled via PC.

GEODE Recorder Box             12 Units á 24 Channels
Battery Box                                 11 Units; 12 V 24 Ah
Interface Box                                3 Units
Interface Cable                          20 drums; 130 m
Geophone Spread Cable
       20 drums; 125  m
Trigger Cable                                1 drum; 100  m

Input Signal
Channels                                     24
Clipping                                       2.8 Vpp @ low preamp (0 dB)

Digital Signal
Sample Interval                        0.02, 0.03125, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, and 16.0 ms
Format                                         SEG-2, SEG-D and SEG-Y
Digitizer                                       24-bit Delta-Sigma; 110 dB @ 2 ms
Preamplifier                               24 or 32 dB; 12 or 24 dB; 0 dB (software selection due to jumper setting)

Time Keeping
Clock                                             0.5 ppm
Synchronisation                       GPS - PPS at PC

Data Storage
RAM                                               65,536 Samples per Channel (volatile!)

Battery Power Usage
Recorder Box                             0.2 W (stand-by)
                                                        0.65 W ( acquisition)

GEODE                                         4 kg
Battery Box 12 V; 24Ah          11 kg
Spread Cable Drum                11 kg
Interface Cable Drum            12 kg
Trigger Cable Drum                8 kg

Operating Temperature
Recorder/Repeater              - 30 to +70 °C

Contact: Falk Brethauer

Recorder / SUMMIT

The SUMMIT, made by Deutsche Montan Technologie (DMT), is a multi-channel digital recording system. The system consists of single-channel recorders (Remote Units, RU) connected along a two-wire Data Link, and a Central Unit (PC-board or workstation). Sensor adaptors are available for geophone chains (PE-7 connector) and for the S_ MARK L-4C-3D geophone.
The information is stored first in the Remote Unit on nonvolatile RAM, and then transmitted to the Central Unit on request.
Remote Unit ID Numbers are set by a SUMMIT handheld terminal. Parameter SetUp, Line Check, and Data Retrieval are controlled from the Central Unit.
Long Data links require Repeater Units (RP) every 250 m. All Repeater Units also implement the function of Line Distributor Units.
An 'intelligent RP' is currently tested. It will make available the same remote control functions as given for the Remote Units (RU).

Pool Contents
Remote Units                                               96 Units: 2 Channels, 48 kSample/Channel, external power supply
Repeater and Distributor Units,           units 80 Units: Repeater (for max. cable length of 250 m)
80 units
Data Link Cable                                          40 drums: 250 m, built-in line terminator at each end
                                                                          10 drums: 120 to 230 m, spare cable

Input Signal
Channels                                                      2
Clipping                                                        4 Vpp @ low preamp (0 dB)

Digital Signal
Sample Interval                                         1/32; 1/16; 1/8; 1/4; 1/2; 1; 2; 4; 8 ms
Format                                                           4 Byte, SEG2
Digitizer                                                         24-bit Delta-Sigma ADC
Preamplifier                                                 1 or 8 (0 dB resp. 18 dB)

Time Keeping
Clock                                                               1*10e-6
Synchronisation                                         Record Start pulse to all RUs by Central Unit

Data Storage
RAM                                                                 48 kSample/channel

Physical Parameters
Battery Power Usage (external 12V/12Ah battery)
Remote Units                                               300 h (stand-by)
                                                                           220 h (20% acquisition)
                                                                           150 h (max. acquisition, e.g. vibroseis)
Repeater                                                        200 h (stand-by)
                                                                          100 h (continuous line check or data transfer)

Recorder/Repeater                                      2 kg
Battery                                                             12V/12Ah 4 kg
Cable Drum 250 m                                       9 kg

Operating Temperatures
Recorder/Repeater                                    -30 to +80 °C

Broadband Seismometer / GÜRALP CMG-3ESP

The GÜRALP CMG, made by GÜRALP, is a force balance broadband seismometer. Adaptor cables are available for EarthData recorders.

Pool Contents
Seismometer                            10 Units: GÜRALP CMG-3ESP

Mechanical Parameters
Sensor                                          3 orthogonal sensors
Resonances                                above 140 Hz
Control                                         Zero position (re-center pulse input)Mass lock (electronic)

Signal Output
Generator Constant                2 * 1000 Vs/m
Response                                    Ground velocity from 120 sec to 50 Hz
Max. Output                              ±20 V

Physical Parameters
Power Consumption               0.9 Watts @ 12 V
Weight                                          11 kg
Operating Temperatures     -20 to +65 °C

Poles and Zeros

Broadband Seismometer / GÜRALP CMG-3ESP Compact

The GÜRALP CMG-3ESP Compact, made by GÜRALP, is a force balance broadband seismometer. Adaptor cables are available for EarthData recorders.

Pool Contents
Seismometer                                    45 Units: GÜRALP CMG-3ESP Compact

Mechanical Parameters
Sensor                                                   3 orthogonal sensors
Resonances                                        above 140 Hz
Control                                                  Zero position (re-center pulse input) Mass lock

Signal Output
Generator Constant                         2 * 1000 Vs/m
Response                                             Ground velocity from 60 sec to 50 Hz
Max. Output                                        ±20 V

Physical Parameters
Power Consumption                     0.75 Watts @ 12 V
Weight                                                 8.3 kg
Operating Temperatures            -10 to +65 °C

Poles and Zeros

Broadband Seismometer / Trillium 120 PA

The Trillium 120 PA made by Nanometrics.

Pool Contents
Seismometer                                 16 Units:Trillium 120 PA

Mechanical Parameters
Sensor                                                3 symmetric triaxial sensors

Signal Output
Generator Constant                     1200 Vs/m
Response                                          Ground velocity from 120 sec to 145 Hz, but +7dB @ 30 Hz
Max. Output                                    ±20 V

Physical Parameters
Power Consumption                   0.62 W @ 15 V
Weight                                               7.5 kg
Operating Temperatures         -20 to +50 °C

Poles and Zeros


Broadband Seismometer / Trillium Compact

The Trillium Compact, made by Nanometrics, is a force balance broadband seismometer. Adaptor cables are available for the EarthData and CUBE recorder. 

Pool Contents
Seismometer                            200 Units: Trillium Compact

Mechanical Parameters
Sensor                                         3 symmetric triaxial sensors
Resonances                               above 200 Hz

Signal Output
Generator Constant                750 Vs/m
Response                                    Ground velocity from 120 sec to 100 Hz
Max. Output                               ±20 V

Physical Parameters
Power Consumption               0.16 Watts @ 12 V
Weight                                          1.2 kg
Operating Temperatures     -40 to + 60 °C

Poles and Zeros

Broadband Seismometer / Trillium Compact Posthole

25 Units

Contact: Christian Haberland

Broadband Seismometer / STS-2

The STS-2, made by Streckeisen, is a force balance broadband seismometer, mainly run in connection with the QUANTERRA recorder. Adaptor cables are available for EarthData recorders.

Pool Contents
Seismometer                    3 Units: STS-2, 3-component, remote control

Mechanical Parameters
Sensor                                  3 inertial pendula in a cube-corner geometry
Control                                Zero position

Signal Output
Generator Constant        2 * 750 Vs/m
Response                            Ground velocity from 120 sec to >50 Hz
Clip Level                            ±13 mm/sec
Max. Output                       ±20 V

Physical Parameters
Power Consumption       1.56 Watts @ 24 VDC
Weight                                   13 kg (incl. host box)
Temperature Range        ±10 °C without mass recentering

Poles and Zeros

Geophone / MARK L-4C-3D

The MARK L-4C-3D, made by MARK PRODUCTS, is a 3-component geophone. Adaptor cables are available for EarthData recorders.

The connector has been replaced by a self-cleaning type. The wiring also has been changed: Resistors are added internally to obtain a damping of 0.7, and for a standardized calibration of each single component.

Pool Contents
Seismometer                           115 Units: 3 components, 1 Hz, 5500 Ohms coil resistance

Mechanical Parameters
Sensor                                        3 orthogonal geophones

Signal Output             
Sensitivity                                 180 Vs/m (due to built-in damping)
Response                                   Ground velocity from 1 Hz to >100 Hz
Damping                                    set to 0.7 by built-in resistor

Physical Parameters
Weight                                          13 kg (incl. adjusting plate)
Operating Temperatures     -20 to + 60 °C

Poles and Zeros

Geophone Strings SM-6

The SM-6, made by SENSOR Nederland, is a vertical geophone in a PE-5 case, and with a 75 mm steel spike. The geophone string consists of six geophones spacing 10 metres each, with a lead-in of two metres, and terminated with a PE-7 multiple string connector with wide and narrow clips.

Pool Contents
Geophone String                         300 Units: 4.5 Hz

Mechanical Parameters
Sensor                                             6 * 1 vertical geophone

Signal Output
Sensitivity                                     27.5 Vs/m (single geophone)
Response                                       Ground velocity from 4.5 Hz to > 150 Hz
Damping                                        0.71 (4.5 Hz type)

Physical Parameters
Weight                                            Complete Chain: 3 kg (incl. carry hasp)
Operating Temperatures      - 40 to +100 °C

3-D Geophone PE-6/B

The PE-6/B, made by SENSOR Nederland, is a 3-component geophone land case with three steel spikes. It contains one SM-6/U-B 4.5Hz vertical geophone and two SM-6/H-B 4.5Hz horizontal geophones.
The connector applied by GFZ fits to the three-channel input of the EarthData recorder.

Pool Contents
3D Geophone                           570 Units: 4.5 Hz

Mechanical Parameters
Sensor                                          3-component geophone with 5 m lead-in cable

Signal Output
Sensitivity                                   28.8 Vs/m
Response                                    Ground velocity from 4.5 Hz to > 150 Hz
Damping                                      0.56

Physical Parameters
Weight                                           1 kg (incl. cable)
Operating Temperatures     - 40 to +100 °C

Poles and Zeros

1C Geophone

Pool Contents
1C Geophone                             346 Units

Mechanical Parameters
Sensor                                          1-component geophone with 0.5/1 m lead-in cable

Signal Output
Sensitivity                                  27.5 Vs/m
Response                                    Ground velocity from 4.5 Hz to > 150 Hz
Damping                                      0.71

Physical Parameters
Weight                                         ~250 g (incl. cable)
Operating Temperatures     - 40 to +100 °C

The PEG-40, made by Geomatrix, is an accelerated weight drop. It comes with trigger contacts and cables to start Geode™ multichannel recording.
The PEG-40 weight drop connects to a regular 2-inch hitch at the rear of a car (rectangular pipe; common in the US). An adapter to connect the PEG-40 to a 6-hole Pintle Hook Mount Plate is also available (see pdf and jpg). Please note that a vehicle with a permissible maximum vertical loading on the coupling point ("Stützlast") of at least 120kg is needed.
Please also note that for driving (with the PEG-40 attached) on public roads a TÜV-entry in the car license is needed.

Hammer Mass                     38 kg
Hammer Drop Height       36 - 43 cm
Cycle Time                             3 - 5 seconds

Battery Power
Motor                                       12 V (Car Battery !!)

Weight Assembly                113 kg

Contact: Mike Hönig

The "Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam" (GIPP) of the GFZ has aquired a fiber-optic gyroscope which allows the highly accurate orientation of geophysical sensors. This gyroscope produced by the company IXSEA allows the orientation of sensors (relative to Earth's rotation axis) with a typical accuracy of 0.1° (secant latitude). The orientation of sensors using a magnetic compass usually suffers from magnetic deflections by metal parts (e.g. in buildings) and the magnetic declination which is locally and temporary variing. The use of the fiber-optic gyroscope avoids these pitfalls. The exact orientation of seismometers is for example essential for the analysis of seismic anisotropy.

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