Dr. Christian Haberland

Group Leader
Dr. Christian Haberland
Building A 42, Room 103 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Research Interests:

Analysis of seismic signals of (local) earthquakes and controlled sources as well as of ambient seismic noise in order to illuminate the subsurface and to study processes at active plate boundaries such as subduction zones, orogenes and continental shear zones. Among the methods I use are local earthquake tomography, analysis of seismic attenuation, and reflection/refraction seismic methods (e.g. tomography). Much of my work is focused on South America, Central Asia, the European Alps and the Middle East. Furthermore, I am interested in technical aspects of field experiments/data acquisition and seismic instrumentation.



  • 1999 PhD (Dr. rer. nat., Free University of Berlin), Title: "Distribution of the Attenuation of Seismic Waves in the Western Central Andes" (in German)
  • 1993 Diploma in Geophysics (Free University of Berlin), Title: "Transversalisotropie lamellierter Krustenbereiche bei refraktionsseismischen Untersuchungen"
  • 1986 - 1993 Free University of Berlin & University of Hamburg - Geophysics


  • 4D-MB - "Mountain Building in Four Dimensions" (1) PI of sub-project "Linking surface kinematics to deep structure of the Adriatic indenter near a potential subduction-polarity switch, the Giudicarie Belt (Southern Alps)" dealing with local earthquake tomography in the AlpArray/4D-MB context; 2) PI of sub-project "Activity Field D – SWATH D: Providing seismological data for the SPP 4D-MB, A dense seismological station network in the Central and Eastern Alps"; 3) PI of sub-project "A comprehensive high resolution 3D P- and S-wave velocity model for the Alpine mountain chain using local earthquake data: Constraining crustal structure, lithologies and mountain-building processes"; DFG-funded; SPP 4D-MB 2017)
  • SEIZE -"SEismic imaging of the Ivrea ZonE" (Co-PI; DFG-funded)
  • "Follow the CO2 (ICDP Eifel): Pre-site survey by large-N passive seismology", part of volcano-seismological experiment in the Eifel (Co-PI, DFG funded)
  • VECTOR - Project investigating social attitudes, environmental and technical challenges to mining in Europe (Co-PI of geophysical imaging part; EU-funded)
  • MOSMIN - "Multiscale Observation Services for Mining-related Deposits"; research project to monitor and secure mining-related deposits (Co-PI of geophysical imaging part; EU-funded)
  • EPOS-ON - PI of sub-task "Coordinated inventory of mobile instrument pools" (EU-funded)
  • MOSES - "Modular Observation Solutions for Earth Systems" (member of the Permafrost Thaw group; involved in development of (seismological) sensor platform; funded by Helmholtz Association)

Research Boards and Committees:

  • Member of the Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft (DGG), the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
  • Reviewer for Nature Geosciences, Tectonophysics, Geophysical Research Letters (GRL), Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR), Geophysical Journal International (GJI), Journal of Seismology, ...; reviewer of several inter-/national funding agencies
  • Elected member of the GFZ Internal Scientific Council (2016-2019)
  • Co-Chair for ORFEUS Mobile Pools SMC

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