A global diagnosis of vertical atmospheric coupling by geomagnetic field variations

The aim of this study is to identify the role of atmospheric tides in the short-term variability of the global solar-quiet (Sq) current system. Atmospheric tides are global-scale waves generated mainly in the troposphere (<10 km) and stratosphere (<50 km). Tidal waves can propagate vertically into the ionosphere (>90 km), where the Sq currents flow. Understanding the tidal effect on the Sq current system is important for a better description of the Earth's magnetic field.


  • February 2018 - July 2019


  • Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers (Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation)

Principal Investigators

  • Dr. Yozuke Yamazaki (GFZ Potsdam)

Methods & Equipment

The short-term (day-to-day) variability of the Sq current system is determined by analyzing magnetometer data from ground stations and low-Earth-orbit satellites (namely, CHAMP and Swarm). The results are compared with the short-term variability of atmospheric tides.

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