Archived projects of section 2.3 - Geomagnetism

Characterization of the cooling of the Bardarbunga Dykes in Iceland.

TIRO develops high-quality topside TEC (Total Electron Content) and inter-satellite KBR (K-Band Ranging) electron density products derived from multi-LEO satellite observations covering nearly two solar cycles from 2000 until now.

This collaborative project with the University of Potsdam aims at a better understanding of uncertainties in global geomagnetic field reconstructions on centennial to millennial timescales.

The main focus of this Priority Programme is to quantify terrestrial transport mechanisms and solar-terrestrial interactions through data analysis and modeling. The research programme builds on data from satellites on low-Earth orbits, such as CHAMP, GRACE, and GOCE. Special focus is given to the Swarm satellite mission.

Novel methods for the 3D reconstruction of the dynamic evolution of the Van Allen belts using multiple satellite measurements (project B06 of Collaborative Research Centre 1294 “Data Assimilation: The seamless integration of data and models”)

High resolution modeling of the crustal magnetic field of the Mars. (Project within SPP1788 - Dynamic Earth)

SWAMI aims to enhance the understanding of space weather processes and their impact on atmospheric density by: developing improved atmosphere and thermosphere models; new geomagnetic activity indices; and improving the forecast capabilities of the existing and new geomagnetic activity indices.

The Daedalus mission has been proposed to the European Space Agency (ESA) in response to the call for ideas for the Earth Observation programme's 10th Earth Explorer. It was selected in 2018 as one of three candidates for a Phase-0 feasibility study.

PRISM develops products from Swarm mission measurements that characterize plasmapause related boundaries in the topside Ionosphere.

The mesospheric sodium layer as a remotely, optically pumped magnetometer for investigation of Birkeland currents.

Modeling the global behavior of the Earth's magnetic field between 10 and 50 ka using palaeomagnetic data. (Project within SPP 1488 "Planetary Magnetism")

Swarm-AEBS project will develop new products that open several new and interesting possibilities for studies related to aurora, magnetosphere- ionosphere coupling, and space weather at high latitudes.

The goal of this study is to understand the coupling mechanisms by which the upper atmosphere (ca. 85-600 km) is influenced by the processes in the regions below.

The projects aims at a description of the solar-cycle related variations of the large-scale magnetospheric contributions to the geomagnetic field, which can be used to eliminate this signal from decadal geomagnetic observatory or repeat station time-series for studies of internal core field secular variation. (Project within SPP1788 - Dynamic Earth)

The aim of this study is to identify the role of atmospheric tides in the short-term variability of the global solar-quiet (Sq) current system. Atmospheric tides are global-scale waves generated mainly in the troposphere (<10 km) and stratosphere (<50 km). Tidal waves can propagate vertically into the ionosphere (>90 km), where the Sq currents flow. Understanding the tidal effect on the Sq current system is important for a better description of the Earth's magnetic field.

Quantifying solar flux and geomagnetic main field influence on the equatorial thermosphere-ionosphere system for timescales complementary to satellite missions. (Project within SPP1788 - Dynamic Earth)

The GFZ, which looks back on many years of experience in analysis of satellite-based gravity field measurements, participates in the evaluation of GOCE data as a co-operating partner within the framework of the so called GOCE High Level Processing Facility (GOCE HPF) under the Project Management of the Technical University Munich and together with scientific institutions from Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands.

For a variety of spacecraft, onboard magnetometers are used for other purposes than scientific measurements and space weather monitoring. The data from these spaceborne magnetometers can be used both for a posteriori analysis of such events, but also for near real-time space weather monitoring.

We aim to build a new global reconstruction of the geomagnetic field spanning the past 100ka from paleomagnetic data and the information on magnetic field variations contained in cosmogenic nuclide records.

In this collaborative project between CAU Kiel and GFZ in Potsdam, we aim to estimate the properties of the magnetic lithosphere on a global scale (magnetization, thickness, composition). (Project within SPP1788 - Dynamic Earth)

IPIR project aims to develop a high-level, global product based on Swarm measurements that will characterize ionospheric irregularities and fluctuations, and address the needs of the scientific community and operational users.

SUA project will evaluate the space weather capabilities of the Swarm satellite mission and will be of highest relevance for other, as well as future low Earth orbit (LEO) missions with similar instrumentation.

In this project the acceleration mechanisms of the up-welling ions at source regions altitude will be investigated based on data obtained from the CHAMP (400km), GRACE (500km), and DMSP (830km) satellites. For the first time the role of the neutral particles in the thermosphere will be included in the considerations.

Co-estimate models of the core and ionosphere magnetic fields, with the longer-term view of building a "comprehensive" model of the Earth's magnetic field.

The Earth's magnetic field has undergone temporal and spatial variations including polarity reversals. Global models of the Earth's magnetic field derived from geomagnetic satellite and observatory data, but also from historical and archeomagnetic data provide unique insights to the dynamical processes. Consolidated knowledge of these processes by a joint analysis of geomagnetic field observations and numerical simulation of the geodynamo can facilitate schemes to forecast Earth's magnetic field changes.

Cooperation of SANSA Space Science (South Africa) and GFZ, within the Inkaba yeAfrica project. This involved the establishment of a new geomagnetic observatory in 2006 which is operated jointly now in Keetmanshoop (Namibia) and cooperative repeat station surveys on 40 locations in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana, which will continue over several years.

ESA plans a constellation mission of three identically constructed satellites to survey the geomagnetic field in a polar orbit with unprecedented precision.

Improvment of global geomagnetic field reconstructions, spanning the past millennia by investigating the quality of Holocene paleomagnetic sediment records.

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