Swarm Data Products

Swarm mission delivers Level 1b (L1b) and Level 2 (L2) data products. These L1b and L2 products include Swarm magnetic field models, ionospheric and thermospheric products, precise orbit solutions including supporting information, etc. The Swarm Product Data Handbook provides  a detailed description and intended to support the use of the L1b and L2 for further processing and/or application. 

Data access

In accordance with ESA Earth Observation (EO) Data Policy, all Swarm L1b and L2 data products are freely available by FTP to ESA-EO registered users. More information on the data access and registration procedure is available on the EO web page:

Product filename extension

The Swarm filename extensions have been changed since 19 January 2017 (11:00 UTC) in order to rationalise the product's filename extensions. Detailed information can be found in the Swarm news web page:

Level 1b products

The Swarm L1b are the corrected and formatted output from each of the three Swarm satellites.

L2 products

The Swarm L2 Processor ensures a very significant improvement of the quality of the final scientific data products by a complex assimilation of L1b individual satellite measurements into one set of products for the satellite constellation

Auxiliary products

These products are necessary prior or during processing of high precision Swarm L2 products but do not result from the Swarm L1b processor.

Swarm Data Product Quality


Level 1b

Elektr. Feldvektor (EFI)
Position, Lage, Zeitstempel


Level 2

Radiale und Feldparallele Ströme (FAC)
Equatoral Bubble Index (IBI)
Total Electron Content (TEC)
Elektrisches Feld am Äquator (EEF)
Genaue Orbitbestimmung (POD)
Luftdichte und Winde in der Thermosphäre

Comprehensive Inversion
Magn. Kernfeld
Magn. Krustenfeld
Elektr. Leitfähigkeit des Erdmantels ( weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:       EPS 1  EPS 2  EPS 3 )
Ionosphärenfeld (SQ)

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