Exploration geology

The sustainable use of underground space requires sufficient knowledge of the structure and properties of the subsurface and the relevant processes involved. The Exploration Geology working group focuses on the development of coordinated exploration concepts for the holistic description of underground utilization areas. The working group is closely networked with other working groups in the section and at the GFZ.

The working group takes into account the respective geological and geographical setting as well as the available data in order to develop and realize adapted geological exploration concepts. This involves a cross-scale approach. The characterization is carried out from the perspective of the respective geological system and includes the microscale (on rock samples from field outcrop or drill core), the medium borehole scale (with consideration of geophysical borehole measurements) up to the field scale (integration of geophysical surface measurements such as seismics, but also field experiments such as hydraulic tests). The determination of thermal properties and estimation of hydraulic parameters and their lateral variability allows for adapted and more reliable project planning.

Main areas of work and research topics

  • Geological exploration methods (geological interpretation of geophysical measurements, borehole exploration, rock and facies characterization; consistent consolidation of subsurface data using geological (static) subsurface models)
  • Management of subsurface data
  • Holistic facies-dependent petrophysical parameterization of geological subsurface models
  • Assessment of utilization potentials and exploration risks in the application area of geoenergy
  • Focus region North German Basin
  • Optimization of exploration methods
  • Mapping of 3D parameter fields
  • Investigation of the scale dependency of model parameterizations

Core competencies

  • Geological, mineralogical and petrological rock analysis
  • Object geology (determination of geological and petrophysical properties, geological-scientific monitoring of drillings)
  • Interpretation of borehole measurements, core-log integration and complex model parameterization
  • Development of coordinated exploration concepts for holistic modeling of the subsurface
  • Facies analysis and geological modelling, thermal and petrophysical rock characterization
  • Geological-thermal system analysis
  • Geology of the North German Basin


  • RealLabor Geostorage Berlin
  • ThermoBase
  • WHFDB project
  • Chennille/Tournemire
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