Experimental set-up:

FLECAS-HT is a unique flow-through system enabling the simultaneous measurement of permeability and electrical resistivity (co-axial 4-electrode arrangement) on rock cylinders with a diameter of 30 mm and a length of 75 mm at temperatures of up to 500 ° C. Currently, FLECAS-HT can be operated at a maximum confining Ar-gas pressure of 40 MPa, and a pore fluid pressure of 25 MPa. Due to the corrosive nature of high enthalpy aqueous fluids, the sample must be encapsulated with a gold tube.

Scientific topics:

  •  Long-term flow-through experiments (weeks to months) at simulated reservoir conditions
  •  Effect of chemical fluid-rock interactions on hydraulic and electrical rock properties
  •  Effect of phase transitions (liquid solid/ liquid gas) on physical rock properties
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