Women in Geothermal (WING)

Women in Geothermal (WING) is a global volunteer, not-for-profit organization whose aim is to promote the education, professional development, and advancement of women in the geothermal community worldwide.

WING global is actually mentoring and supporting 34 country chapters. The WING Country Teams are led by WING country ambassadors to support, coordinate and deliver WING initiatives in their territories.

Eine Gruppe von 12 engagierten Personen aus Wissenschaft und Industrie hat sich im September 2020 zusammengeschlossen, um die Sichtbarkeit, Vernetzung und berufliche Entwicklung von Frauen im Geothermiesektor zu fördern. Unser Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Anwerbung und Förderung junger Talente, von der Berufsberatung bis zum Mentoring junger Akademiker. Durch unsere Netzwerke und unser Fachwissen wollen wir die Integration und die Karrierechancen von Frauen im Geothermiesektor unterstützen.

WING Germany country team

The WING Germany country team was born in September 2020 and has currently 8 members from a wide group of professional disciplines and facets of the geothermal sector, from science, engineering, business and associations. With these diverse perspectives, we are engaged in WING to increase the visibility of geothermal energy, support women's professional development in the geothermal sector, and drive gender equality in the geothermal community.

Top row, from left to right: Simona Regenspurg, Guido Blöcher, Angela Spalek (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – German Research Centre for Geosciences); Christine Cröniger (Stadtwerke München). Row below: Indira Shatyrbayeva (Technical University of Munich, Geothermal-Alliance Bavaria), Stephanie Frick (RBS Wave GmbH), Eva Schill (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Maximilian Keim (Technical University of Munich, Geothermal-Alliance Bavaria). Further members: Joy Iannotta (Hydroisotop).

Upcoming Events

WING Women in Geothermal - Kick-off Event des WING Länderteams Deutschland

30.11.2021, 14-17.40 Uhr

more Information: https://www.der-geothermiekongress.de/index.php?id=3009&L=1


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