Operative Management

Operational Management (OPM) provides operational support for the Executive Board of the GFZ and works in close coordination with the other staff units and the Departments at the centre. We are responsible for coordination and communication activities prompted by the scientific, administrative and technical organisational units at the GFZ, our overarching target being to create a pleasant working environment for the employees of our centre and facilitate fruitful collaboration with external partners. Our goal is to organise processes as efficiently as possible and, in this way, to ensure smooth procedures and transparent structures at the GFZ. In addition, we contribute to the positioning and content-based orientation of the Centre both within the Helmholtz Association and in the German and international research landscape.

We contribute to the following tasks:

  •     Coordination of key GFZ activities
  •     Appointment procedures
  •     Science-relevant controlling and reporting
  •     Sustainability management and site development
  •     Co-Directorate Central Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences CAIAG
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