Policy advice and participation in committees

The GFZ plays an active role in scientific policy advice through participation of our scientists in advisory bodies for policy development. The aim is to support decision-making processes in society in the best way possible, i.e. based on scientific evidence and dialog, and to incorporate advanced insights from research into decision-making processes in a continuous process. Numerous scientists are intensively involved in committees, panels and working groups in key topics relevant to their field of expertise, such as use of resources, energy transition, site safety, protection against natural hazards, site selection for a repository for nuclear waste.

Briefings and fact sheets are used to prepare and scientifically reinforce political developments and decisions.

The center is a member of numerous associations, including TransferAllianz, the industry association for German knowledge and technology transfer.

A selection of transfer-relevant committee activities of our scientists:


The GFZ is involved in the development of standardization in numerous socially significant areas:

  • Earthquake zoning: DIN activities for building structures, directly involved in the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN).
  • Eurocode 8: Seismic hazard maps for the D-A-CH countries
  • Radio occultation: Ground-based and space-based atmosphere sounding for input parameters in weather forecasting and in monitoring of atmosphere and ionosphere; these are operationally included in global weather models of weather services worldwide.
  • DIN Standards Committee for Aerospace and Earthquakes
  • Kp index: The Niemegk Observatory provides the three-hourly international Kp-Index in real time as well as annual values since 1932. Kp is a global geomagnetic activity index and, thus, an index for geomagnetic storms. Uses: Space weather, national and international space situational awareness centers, e.g. for models of the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere in near-Earth space.
  • Hpo indices: The new Hpo indices developed at GFZ are similar to the Kp index, but have better time resolution (hourly or half-hourly) and differentiate better among the strongest space weather events. These indices are available in real time and annually since 1995.
  • World Digital Anomaly Map WDMAM for aviation, marine, and drilling
  • Work Groups ISO/TC265 WG3 "CO2 Storage" and WG5 "Cross cutting issues"; Head "Monitoring & Validation" Technical Panel
  • German Standard Committee DIN NA 119-01-04 AA "Carbon Dioxide Capture, Transport and Storage", Head of the National Working Group "CO2 Storage"
  • DIN standardisation process ‘Transfer from publicly funded research projects’: Participation in standards for knowledge and technology transfer
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