Dr. Ulrike Sylla

Dr. Ulrike Sylla
Building F, Room 223 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:


Knowledge Transfer & SynCom


  • Strategic anchoring of knowledge transfer at the GFZ
  • Development of new knowledge transfer formats and concepts
  • Development and implementation of a set of indicators for knowledge transfer
  • Support for the identification, definition, development and monitoring of transfer lighthouse projects and of further knowledge transfer projects
  • Annual monitoring of knowledge transfer activities
  • Promotion of a KT culture and networking and exchange on knowledge transfer at the GFZ, in the Research Field Earth and Environment and in the Helmholtz Association
  • Anchor person for the synthesis and communication platform SynCom, supporting the identification and development of synthesis and communication formats within the PoF


Ulrike Sylla studied German Linguistics, Sociology and Business Administration at the Universities of Potsdam and Limerick. Before joining the German Research Centre for Geosciences in July 2021, she gained extensive experience in science management, knowledge and technology transfer, project management, adult education, and strategic marketing in various professional positions as a research assistant (Universities of Potsdam, Bremen, and Banská Bystrica), at private educational service providers, and at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. She worked as a science coordination officer at PIK since 2008, completed a part-time PhD in social sciences on the topic of social innovations and sustainable lifestyles, and since 2017 has led the collaborative project BePerfekt, a joint project of PIK, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf (HZDR) to empower individuals and teams in knowledge and technology transfer. Subsequently, she worked on the successful exploitation of software and data in the SoftWert project.
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