M. Sc. Lena Muhl

PhD Student
M. Sc. Lena Muhl
Building C, Room 222 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam


today: PhD student at GFZ Potsdam, 4.8 Geoenergy and TU Darmstadt

04/2023-08/2023: Research stay at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

02:2022-03/2023: Scientific Assistant in AMPEDEK Project, TU Darmstadt, Germany

09/2021-01/2022: Assistant Researcher in MEET, UniLaSalle, Beauvais, France

10/2018-03/2019: PhD Assistant in Hessen 3D Project, TU Darmstadt, Germany


10/2021: M.Sc. in applied geoscience, Technical University Darmstadt in cooperation with GFZ Potsdam, Germany

     title: " Hydro-mechanical parameters of Cornubian and Odenwald reservoir granitoids with focus on fracture stiffness testing and modelling"

10/2018: B.Sc. in geology/mineralogy at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany

    title: "Impact of clay minerals and hydrothermal alteration on landsliding at Yakeyama, Akita, Japan"


AMPEDEK - Atlas der Mineralogischen und Petrophysikalischen Eigenschaften Deutscher Kristalliner Wirtsgesteine

MEET -  Multidisciplinary and Multi-Context Demonstration of EGS Exploration and Exploitation Techniques and Potentials Project (EZU-H202-GA-No: 792037)


Award from the German Geothermal Association (BVG) for the best contribution to the Science Bar 2023, Title: Permeability improvement by chelating agent in granitoids (Odenwald and Black Forest Germany"

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