M. Sc. Jana Milena Frenzel

PhD Student
M. Sc. Jana Milena Frenzel
Building F, Room 454 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Doctoral researcher supervised by Dr. Niels Hovius and Dr. Dirk Sachse

Research Interests:

  • carbon cycle and pathways
  • human-environment interactions
  • earth system modelling
  • data science and geostatistics
  • scientific programming


since 2024: PhD at GFZ Potsdam

2019 - 2024: M.Sc. Geographical Environmental Research, Freie Universität Berlin

Thesis: "Exploring machine learning approaches for gully erosion susceptibility modeling in a constrained feature space - Insights from the Lesotho Highlands"

2016 - 2019: B.Sc. Geographical Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin

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