Doreen Noack

Doreen Noack
Doreen Noack
Building B, Room 224 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

GC-irm-MS (1)

Thermo Delta-V Plus coupled to Agilent GC (PTV) via C-III for stable hydrogen isotope analysis of lipids and hydrocarbons (lean samples).

GC-irm-MS (2)

Thermo MAT-253 coupled to Agilent GC (PTV) via C-III for stable carbon isotope analysis of lipids, hydrocarbons, gases (lean samples).

GC-irm-MS (3)

Thermo Delta-V PLus coupled to Agilent GC (PTV) via C-III for stable carbon and hydrogen isotope analysis (rich samples).


Thermo Delta-V coupled to EA-Isolink for bulk stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis.

Urea adduction

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