Workbench for Digital Geosystem I WBGEo

Numerical analyses are routinely applied in geoscientific studies. Often these models rely on several components (either open source or commercial), where each component is responsible for a specific task of the whole workflow (from data integration, 3D model construction and its mesh generation, dynamic simulation and interactive 4D post-processing). 

In this context, development is needed to optimize the interface among these different components of the workflow, mainly by developing automated, domain agnostic and robust interfaces among them. The goal is therefore to arrive at a multicomponent workflow (a workbench) where all components are seamlessly integrated and ported to external users without requiring extensive manual adjustments and fine-tuning from the user side. An example is grid/mesh generation as based on geological model/data. This process often requires substantial manual effort, particularly for a complex geology. Another example, is the automatic integration of the numerical simulations into, for instance, inverse processes, to facilitate an improved model understanding. The main objective of the project is to enhance the flexibility, transparency, and long-term reproducibility of workflows for simulating geotechnical problems in the subsurface. 

Within this project, a digital workbench that involves extensive digitization and automation of typical steps used in subsurface modeling, from geological modeling and numerical simulation to analysis and visualization of results will be developed.  The developments occur at multiple levels. At an abstract level, rules for combining digital components into workflows are defined and integrated into a domain-specific language (DSL) environment. The components themselves are further developed to enable integration into the workbench through an interface which allows intuitive interaction with input data, models, and simulation results. This will provide a user-friendly way to access complex 3D data and workflow results. To demonstrate the broad applicability of the workbench, workflows for use cases like geothermal reservoir simulation and the analysis of abandoned mines as thermal energy storage systems will be implemented. 

01 January 2024 – 31 December 2026

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the Geo:N program

  • Numerische Geowissenschaften, Geothermie, und Reservoirgeophysik, RWTH Aachen 

  • Software Engineering, RWTH Aachen 

  • Untergrund-Prozessmodellierung, GFZ Potsdam

  • Exploration & Reservoirsimulation, Fraunhofer IEG

  • Terranigma Solutions GmbH

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