The overarching objective of the project is to remove the obstacles for a fast and efficient data exchange between different Helmholtz and international research groups and to facilitate seamless integration and combination of data in space physics and space weather. To this end, we will first study the space weather specific data products and formats in each of the considered domains and discuss the necessary vocabulary and the requirements for metadata standardization in each domain. We will then identify the most important intersections of space weather related data usage between GFZ, DLR, and KIT. Based on the experience from different domains we will develop a common vocabulary for metadata in space weather research which is urgently needed to create easily findable and interoperable data products within the Helmholtz Association and abroad. Although all three research centers are concerned with space weather, the respective regions of atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere are very different from each other and each come with domain-specific choices of parameters such as coordinate systems or units. Finding a common language for all necessary metadata attributes will be a challenging task and flexibility of the formats will be central to this project.
Project duration
06/2023 – 05/2025
Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration
Principal Investigators
- Prof. Yuri Shprits (GFZ)
- Dr. Miriam Sinnhuber (KIT)
- Dr. Jens Berdermann (DLR)
- Prof. Yuri Shprits
- Dr. Dedong Wang
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt (DLR)