PROTECTS - Project for Training, Education and Consulting for Tsunami Early Warning System

Sub-Project: Earthquake Monitoring System

Time frame: 2011 - 2014

After the successful implementation of the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS) within the GITEWS project Germany continues to support Indonesia during the first years of system operation with measures focused on training, education and consulting in the following areas:

  • Support sensor system maintenance.
  • Fine-tune system infrastructure and processes at the National Tsunami Warning System at Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) in Jakarta.
  • Further advance tsunami simulation and modelling
  • Strengthening of community orientated tsunami risk management
  • Support the further development of warning products and practice on InaTEWS in accordance with the need of end-users.

The main task of the earthquake monitoring system sub-project is providing an intensive training programme for properly monitoring and maintaining the seismological network and the seismological processing system in the warning centre. In addition further developments are made for improving quality and speed of the seismological data analysis, and an intensive training for its usage in the 24/7 routine work is provided. In addition to Indonesia also the other GITEWS partners in Sri Lanka, Maldives, Yemen, Kenya and Madagascar are included as much as possible in the training activities.

Winfried Hanka (GFZ Potsdam)
Angelo Strollo (GFZ Potsdam)

Main responsibility
Jörn Lauterjung (GFZ Potsdam)
Daniel Acksel (GFZ Potsdam)
Winfried Hanka (GFZ Potsdam)
Tilo Schöne (GFZ Potsdam)
Carsten Falck (GFZ Potsdam)
Andrey Babeyko (GFZ Potsdam)
Joachim Wächter (GFZ Potsdam)
Ulrich Raape (DLR Oberpfaffenhofen)
Natalja Rakowsky (AWI Bremerhaven)
Harald Spahn (GIZ Jakarta)
Horst Letz (BMKG Jakarta)

BMKG, Jakarta, Indonesien GSMB, Colombo, Sri Lanka MMS, Male, Malediven SVOC, Dhamar, Jemen KMD, Nairobi, Kenia IOGA, Antananarivo, Madagaskar UNESCO/IOC, Paris, Frankreich


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