Network of European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Joint Research Activity 2: Tools for real-time seismology, acquisition and mining

Time frame: 2010 - 2014

NERA is an EC infrastructure project that integrates key research infrastructures in Europe for monitoring earthquakes and assessing their hazard and risk.
NERA integrates and facilitates the use of these infrastructures and access to data for research, provides services and access to earthquake data and parameters, and hazard and risk products and tools.
NERA activities are coordinated with other relevant EC-projects and European initiatives, and contribute to the ESFRI EPOS infrastructure and the OECD GEM program.
NERA JRA2 will combine recent advances in seismological data assimilation, mining and simulation with the goal to:

  • develop a comprehensive suite of analysis tool-boxes and implement them into commonly used seismic monitoring software packages;
  • develop standardized software toolboxes covering the main seismological needs;
  • enable the high-quality on-line processing of seismic waveforms for parameter extraction;
  • adopt standard exchange formats for parametric data, such as QuakeML;
  • use webservices to ensure the link between the latest research software encapsulated in tool-boxes and the monitoring packages.

Joachim Saul (GFZ Potsdam)
Winfried Hanka (GFZ Potsdam)
Marcelo Bianchi

Principle Investigators
Alberto Michelini (INGV, Rome, I)
Joachim Saul (GFZ Potsdam)
Reinoud Sleeman (ORFEUS/KNMI, De Bilt, NL)
John Clinton (SED, ETH Zürich, CH)
Betrand Delouis (Geoazur, Nice, F)
Nikos Melis (NOA, Athen, GR)
Andreas Rietbrock, (U Liverpool, UK)

Joachim Wassermann, LMU, München

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