EOSC-Pillar is one of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) regional projects such as EOSC Nordic, NI4OS-Europe, EOSC Synergy and ExPaNDS. These projects aim to coordinate the efforts of the national and thematic initiatives in making a coherent contribution to EOSC, a virtual environment with open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data, across borders and scientific disciplines.
Diversity in policy, and differences in technological and infrastructural maturity among European Union member states still remains a barrier to the transnational nature of EOSC and research in general. But what unites European countries is the value that they see the EOSC will bring to their own research capabilities. This is why the EOSC-Pillar was established.
The project is coordinated by GARR, Italy’s national research and education network (NREN) and involves the following organisations: University of Vienna from Austria, Ghent University from Belgium, CINES, CNRS, IFREMER, INRA, INRIA and INSERM from France, DKRZ, Fraunhofer, GFZ and KIT from Germany, and CINECA, CMCC, CNR, INFN and Trust-IT from Italy. These organisations are already key players in their own countries and have extensively contributed to the development of Open Science and FAIR data initiatives in their fields.
Data Collections:
In particular, GFZ will work on a system describing Research Data Collections and enabling action on them (e.g. create, read, update, delete). Machine agents will be primary users of this type of systems, in which scalability and automation are important features. The system exposes a well defined API against which tools and services can be built across community boundaries. The Collection storage is agnostic and will be able to work with multiple backends.
DAS Systems:
The demand for new dense observations using new technologies is advancing fast. This includes Large N deployments consisting of huge numbers of easy-to-install geophones; cheap sensors used by mobile devices as well as for infrastructure monitoring; and fibre-optic based technologies, that are each starting to show their great potential in providing quality data with a wide spectrum of applications ranging from Tsunami early warning to Infrastructure monitoring.
For each of these cases we will evaluate and review the currently used metadata and data formats and investigate other options. For instance, consider alternative formats for large volumes of data suitable also for ingestion at HPC facilities e.g. PH5 (HDF5 format) possibly adding a new output format to the current FDSN services while preserving the miniSEED format output.
Consider a revision of the metadata to accommodate non-conventional seismic sensors and in particular to the DAS applications consider the description of virtual sensors along the fibre-optic cables. Also evaluate the impact in storage and extra computational resources needed for our service in case of adoption of the new formats.

Time Frame
- 2019-2023
Principal Investigator
- J. Quinteros (GFZ)
- F. Ruggieri (GARR)
- J. Quinteros (GFZ)
- A. Strollo (GFZ)
- P. Jousset (GFZ)
- 18 European Institutions
Research Unit(s) and/or User Facilities
- Strollo, A., Hanka, W., Saul, J., Heinloo, A., Hemmleb, S., Evans, P. L., Quinteros, J., Zieke, T., Jaeckel, K-H., Tilmann, F., the GEOFON Program, Journal of Large-Scale Research Facilities (to be submitted).
- Jousset, P., Reinsch, T., Ryberg, T., Blanck, H., Clarke, A., Aghayev, R., Hersir, G. P., Henninges, J., Weber, M., Krawczyk, C. (2018): Dynamic strain determination using fibre-optic cables allows imaging of seismological and structural features. - Nature Communications, 9, 2509. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04860-y
- Weigel, T., Almas, B., Baumgardt, F., Zastrow. T., Schwardmann, U., Hellström, M., Quinteros, J., Fleischer, D. (2017): RDA Research Data Collections WG Recommendations, doi: 10.15497/RDA00022.