Thermo Fisher Scientific Themis Z (TEM)

The new state-of-the-art transmission electron microscope from Thermo Fisher Scientific Themis Z (3.1) brings a lot of new opportunities for the characterization of crystal structure, microstructures and chemical composition of materials. Simultaneous imaging of heavy and light elements, and atomic resolution elemental imaging allow to investigate atomic structure with sub-Angstrom resolution.

TEM and attachments:

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific Themis Z (3.1)
  • Cs S-CORR Probe Corrector (80-300 kV) (space resolution is < 0.06 nm at 300 kV)
  • X-FEG electron source with a monochromator (energy resolution is < 0.3 eV)
  • HAADF, DF2, DF4 and BF Detectors
  • STEM Imaging of light elements
  • SuperX energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy system
  • Gatan Imaging Filter Continuum ER/1065 (EELS, EFTEM)
  • TEM, STEM and EDX Tomography Data Acquisition Software
  • Low-dose Exposure Technique
  • Precession electron diffraction

TEM sample holder:

  • High-visibility
  • Low-background
  • Double-tilt holder
  • Single-tilt tomography holder
  • Gatan Elsa Cryo-Transfer Holder (Ultra-Low Profile) - 698.ULP
  • Gatan double-tilt liquid nitrogen holder
  • Gatan heating holder
  • Lightning Arctic system


* This project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the State of Brandenburg.

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