Ketzin site CO2 post-injection monitoring and post-closure phase



Since 2004, research on the storage of CO2 in a deep saline aquifer is being conducted at the Ketzin pilot site in Brandenburg. The CO2 injection was successfully carried out between June 2008 and August 2013 and was accompanied by one of the world's most extensive monitoring programs. The COMPLETE project continues the previous projects (e.g. CO2SINK and CO2MAN) during the post-injection and closure phase. One of the key objectives of the gas geochemical investigations is the direct measurement of the gas composition as well as the CO2 soil flux and its isotopic composition at the Earth’s surface and in the observation boreholes. For these investigations both stationary and mobile stations are deployed directly at the Ketzin pilot site as well as at locations in the surrounding area. In addition, a weather station records the local meteorological parameters allowing for the detection of possible dependencies. Furthermore, fluid samples from a shallow observation bore hole are analyzed with respect to the fluid chemistry, the carbon isotopic composition and further chemical parameters in order to monitor the integrity of the cap rock above the gas storage reservoir.

Project details

Duration of project: 2014 - 2017

Funding: BMBF and industry 


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