ADCP Workhorse RioGrande


  • direct continuous measurement of flow velocity and depth
  • ultrasonic doppler principle
  • transducer frequency 600 kHz
  • depth 0.7 - 75m
  • additional echo sounder and DGPS positioning available
  • current velocity up to 20 m/s
  • Laptop ashore with processing software
  • data transmission via 4-channel radio modem


Afloat device for discharge measurement in rivers, ditches and channels, called ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler). Continuous vertical measurement of velocity distribution and water depth along the river profile. The measured cells resulting in the a cross profile area and the velocity profile. By this means discharge is calculated and visualised in real-time at ashore laptop.


High Speed Riverboat

SEBA Hydrometrie GmbH & Co. KG


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