Dipl.-Geoökol. Knut Günther

Function and Responsibilities:
Systems administratorCareer:
since 12/2009
Technician, Section Hydrology at German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ)
03/2008 – 11/2009
Research Assistant, Section 5.4 Engineering Hydrology, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ)
· RIMAX - Project Coordination
05/2007 – 02/2008
Research Assistant, Department for hydrology and climatology, Institute of Geoecology, University of Potsdam:
· Co-work in the CRUE ERA-NETProject "Efficiency of non-structural flood mitigation measures: room for the river and retaining water in the landscape"
· Pre-processing and parametrisation of geo- and meteodata for modelling with WASIM-ETH, setup a climate database, preparation, coordination and implementation of joint field works
02/2007 – 04/2007
Research Assistant, Department for hydrology and climatology, Institute of Geoecology, University of Potsdam:
· Completing works within the project KLIWA (Bavaria)
· GIS-technical realisation and visualisation of hydrological scenarios
05/2006 - 07/2006
Freelancer, BC Berlin-Consult GmbH
03/2003 – 02/2005
Student assistant, Institute of Geoecology, University of Potsdam:
· Tutor for geoinformation
· Seminar preparation landscape planning
· GIS-technical data preparation and geodata maintenance
· Further IT- and GIS tasks
03/2002 - 04/2002
Freelancer, Delphi IMM GmbH
10/2004 – 09/2005
Diploma Thesis, soil water monitoring related: "Untersuchung der Bodenwassergehalte zweier grünlandgenutzter Niedermoorstandorte an der Mittleren Havel zur Charakterisierung stauender Horizonte"
05/2002 – 08/2002
Internship abroad, at cloudforest project “El Zorrito“, Costa Rica:
· Inventory analysis of cloudforest tree species
· Analysis and reassessment of conservation program
· Re-forestation, tree- and stock maintenance
· environmental education
10/1999 – 04/2006
Studies of geoecology at the university of Potsdam: specialisation area: flood plain ecology, GIS