NGGM/MAGIC Science Support Study (2021-2023)

GFZ contributed to following topics 1 (Section 1.2) and 4 (Section 4.4) within a TU Munich led ESA Science Support Study for NGGM/MAGIC to

  1. Perform full-fledged end-to-end simulations of selected NGGM/MAGIC scenarios as provided by ESA. The main goal is to identify optimized NGGM constellations regarding space-time sampling and maximizing sensitivity to temporal Earth’s gravity changes that are caused mainly by mass transport processes in continental hydrosphere, oceans, atmosphere, cryosphere, and solid Earth. This involves mainly single-pair and double-pair inter-satellite ranging concepts in low-low mode, including in-line and pendulum pairs. Specifically, the provided orbit configurations will be used as building blocks to investigate and assess against each other single-pair, in-line double pair, single-pair pendulum and double-pair pendulum (polar and/or inclined) constellations. In a later step, these orbit scenarios will be optimized especially regarding capabilities for short-term retrievals, taking high frequency atmosphere and ocean non-tidal and ocean tide signals into consideration.
  2. Analyze the impact of DORIS as additional observation component onto the achievable performance of orbits and derived gravity field estimates. For this, the methodology has to be set up, and implemented into a simulation chain in order to propagate the impact on temporal gravity field estimates. This will be done in parallel studies by the sub-contractors CNES and TU Delft.
  3. Analyze improved methods for accelerometer calibration, especially regarding additional performance gains by inclusion of star tracker, LRI and DORIS observations. Additionally, the effect of the re-orientation of the accelerometer for improved calibration capabilities in all three accelerometer axis is to be analyzed and quantified. This will be done in parallel studies by the sub-contractors CNES and TU Delft.
  4. Perform a science impact analysis of the simulation results. In the first step, simulation results for all investigated scenarios are to be matched against ESA provided science and mission requirements. These results shall be fed back to the design of scenarios. The evaluation of simulation results will be transformed to science and service related parameters, and in case of mismatches with the requirements specific science questions have to be rephrased. For this task, the project team will be supported by user consultancy by an expert panel covering all main fields of application on NGGMs.

Project Partners:

  • TU Munich, Germany (lead)
  • CNES, Centre national d'études spatiales, France
  • TU Delft, The Netherlands

Project Duration:

  • 05/2021-10/2023


  • ESA
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