High-frequency sea level altimeter data for the validation of GRACE ocean-dealiasing products | ALT4VAL

Data from satellite altimeters are often used to validate ocean circulation models. In order to eliminate the alias effects in the GRACE measurements, high-frequency mass variations in the ocean are modeled at GFZ with the 'Ocean Model for Circulation and Tides' (OMCT) and made available as a so-called Atmosphere and Ocean De-Aliasing Level-1B Product (AOD-1B). The versions RL05 and RL06 of this product were validated with Jason-2 and Envisat altimeter data from the ADS system of the GFZ.
For this purpose, the altimeter data were corrected along the satellite tracks as standard. However, instead of the usual dynamic atmospheric correction (DAC), a combination of an inverse barometric correction and 6-hourly oceanic mass variations from different versions of the OMCT model (RL04, RL05, RL06) was subtracted. The corrected altimeter data were finally interpolated to daily 1°x1° grids. To filter out signals with periods longer than 30 days from the data, a Butterworth filter was applied.
The analysis of the Envisat and Jason-2 data shows an improvement of the oceanic mass variations in the high frequency range from RL04 to RL05 for most ocean areas, especially in subpolar regions, while the changes from RL05 to RL06 are less pronounced and regionally more limited.
Project partners:
- TU München
Project duration:
- 2012-2015
Project related publications:
- Dobslaw, H., Bergmann-Wolf, I., Dill, R., Poropat, L., Thomas, M., Dahle, C., Esselborn, S., König, R., Flechtner, F. (2017): A new high-resolution model of non-tidal atmosphere and ocean mass variability for de-aliasing of satellite gravity observations: AOD1B RL06. - Geophysical Journal International, 211, 1, 263-269. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx302
- Zenner, L., Bergmann-Wolf, I., Dobslaw, H., Gruber, T., Güntner, A., Wattenbach, M., Esselborn, S., Dill, R. (2014): Comparison of Daily GRACE Gravity Field and Numerical Water Storage Models for De-aliasing of Satellite Gravimetry Observations. Surv. Geophys. 1–1, doi: 10.1007/s10712-014-9295-x
- Dobslaw, H., Flechtner, F., Bergmann-Wolf, I., Dahle, C., Dill, R., Esselborn, S., Sasgen, I., Thomas, M. (2013): Simulating high-frequency atmosphere-ocean mass variability for de-aliasing of satellite gravity observations: AOD1B RL05. - Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 7, 3704-3711. https://doi.org/10.1002/jgrc.20271