The GIPPtools are a collection of software utilities that aid with initial pre-processing of recorded data supporting users that borrow instruments from the GIPP. All programs in the GIPPtools collection are designed to work with files produced by DSS-Cube/Data-Cube3 recorders and with miniSEED files written by EDR-209/210 and PR6-24 Portable Field Recorder. However, there is absolutely no reason why the utilities should not work with miniSEED or Cube files produced by other instruments or software as well!
The programs will help you to "manage" your recorded data and to prepare the dataset for import into whatever processing system you use for further scientific analysis. You can use the utilities, among other things, to convert, re-organize and cut out (seismic) data from miniSEED and Cube data files.
The following table lists all programs that are part of the GIPPtools collection and a very short description of their intended use.
cube2ascii...Convert Cube files to various ASCII text formats.
cube2mseed...Convert Cube files to miniSEED format.
cube2segy...Convert Cube files to SEG-Y format.
cubeevent...List events captured by the Cube "event recorder" hardware.
cubeinfo...Inspect and summarize the content of Cube recordings.
mseed2ascii...Convert miniSEED data to various ASCII text formats.
mseed2mseed...Modify header fields of miniSEED records.
mseed2pdas...Convert miniSEED data to PDAS format.
mseed2segy...Convert miniSEED files to SEG-Y format.
mseedcut...Cut out the miniSEED input into pieces.
mseedinfo...Inspect and summarize the content of miniSEED files.
mseedrecover...Recover as many miniSEED records as possible from damaged files and disks.
mseedrename...Batch rename miniSEED files using a template.
System Requirements
There are two requirements that must be met to run the programs in the GIPPtools package:
A working Java virtual machine (sometimes also called a Java Runtime Environment or simply JRE) supporting Java 8 or newer!
Some console or terminal window on your computer where you can type commands. None of the GIPPtools programs utilizes a graphical user interface. They all take their parameters and options exclusively from the command line!
There are two binary distributions. One is for Unix style operating systems such as Linux, Solaris, etc. and one for the Microsoft Windows family. Mac OS users should use the Unix distribution.
gipptools-2024.354-unix.tar.gz Unix Variante (Linux, Solaris, mac OS, ...) Windows distribution
Some older releases are available for download as well.
The Unix distribution is available as gzipped TAR archive file. Use the 'gunzip' program to decompress the archive and extract files with the 'tar' command. The Windows variant is contained in a ZIP file, which should unzip by double clicking on the icon. The main difference between the distributions is the start script used to run the various GIPPtool programs. Apart from that they are functionally identical.
The installation instructions can be found in the 'Install' file located in the documentation subdirectory. The 'ReleaseHistory' file in the same directory contains a list of user relevant changes between the different GIPPtool releases.
You can find all documentation in the 'doc' subdirectory of the GIPPtools installation directory. It is not fully developed yet, but nevertheless should get you started. All documentation files are provided in HTML and PDF format. The GIPPtools distribution for Unix operating systems contains an additional documentation set, ready for display by the standard Unix 'man' command.
Also contained in the documentation directory are some example files you might want to use as templates for your own projects.
GIPPtools are written and maintained by Christof Lendl. If you are having trouble installing and/or running the software, feel free to e-mail me. However, please study the documentation before contacting me. I'm not your ghostreader!
When reporting bugs, please be sure to include the GIPPtools release number you are using as well as the platform you are running it on.