3D-US Lab | Helmholtz Innovation Lab

The 3D underground seismic network is based at the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam. It consists of the local 3D underground seismic research group, industry representatives and mining universities. The network has the aim to establish 3D underground seismics as a key technology for the safe construction and use of underground structures on the market.  For this purpose, the previous know-how and the research development status are made available to the market as a service portfolio.

Services of the 3D-US Lab:

  • Seismic measurements for the exploration of underground structures,
  • Reconstruction and development of measuring instruments,
  • Contract research,
  • Data evaluation and software,
  • Consulting and training,
  • Use of the underground test center in Freiberg.

Areas of application: borehole survey, Tunnel exploration, underground 3D exploration system, detection of fluid-capable structures and raw material deposits, exploration of repository sites.

Benefits for network partners: The network partners benefit from new and previous knowledge in the field of subsurface seismics, lower prices, procurement of suitable measurement technology and better networking within the industry. The focus is to expand the network. Therefore, we are looking for new cooperations.

The 3D-US Lab is financed by the Impulse and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association for a period from January 1st, 2020 to December 31, 2024. A continuation of the 3D-US Lab is also intended after the end of the funding phase. An interim evaluation is planned after 2.5 years. Here you can find out more about the Helmholtz Innovation Labs.

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