Dr. Katrin Jaksch

Dr. Katrin Jaksch
Building A 69, Room 320 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Labmanager at Helmholtz Innovation Lab 3D-Underground Seismics Lab (3D-US Lab)

Scientist in Working group Underground Seismics

Research Interests:

3D-Underground Seismics applications for mines, tunnels and final storages

VSP and borehole Seismics

Near-surface Geophysics


Since 2003 at Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences


2008   PhD in Geophysics (Dr. rer. nat.) at TU Bergakademie Freiberg with thesis ``Seismisches Monitoring an lehmigen Modelldeichen''

2002   Engineering Geosciences and Applied Geosciences with focus on Applied Geophysics, Diploma Geoscientist, TU Berlin, Germany


Helmholtz Innovation Lab 3D-Underground Seismics Lab

Solved projects:

Interreg EU-project BSUIN (Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network)

BMU-project SPWD-BUSData and BMWi-project SPWD-BUSData II

BMU-project Seismic Prediction While Drilling (SPWD)

DGMK-project WAVE.O.R.

BMBF-project „Versagen von Deichen und Dämmen auf und mit Lehmzonen bei Hochwasser“


2007 Best poster of a Young Scientist at the annual DGG (Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft) meeting in Bremen

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