Distributed fiber optic strain sensing along existing telecommunication networks for efficient seismic exploration and monitoring of geothermal reservoirs | SENSE

Within the SENSE project, we will develop and apply the distributed strain technology to acquire seismic information along existing telecommunication infrastructure. We aim to explore the shallow and deep subsurface using state of the art passive and active seismic exploration techniques. Applying distributed strain sensing along existing infrastructure significantly decreases the footprint of seismic data acquisition while dramatically increasing the available number of seismic receivers for a single survey. In addition, acquisition along existing infrastructure will significantly reduce costs for exploration and monitoring, and is likely to increase public acceptance of geothermal exploration surveys.

Within this project, we will apply the distributed strain sensing technology to acquire seismic information along existing telecommunication infrastructure to explore the shallow and deep subsurface using state of the art passive and active seismic exploration techniques. Applying DSS along existing infrastructure significantly decreases the footprint of seismic data acquisition while dramatically increasing the available number of seismic receivers for a single survey. In addition, acquisition along existing infrastructure will significantly reduce costs for exploration and monitoring, and is likely to increase public acceptance of geothermal exploration surveys.

  • GFZ (Coordinator)
  • Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
  • Digos Potsdam GmbH
  • gempa GmbH

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy - BMWi

Duration: 01.03.2020 - 28.02.2023

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