Hydrogeochemisches Monitoring

Portable Fluid-Monitoring System incl. flow-through cell „FluMini"

The portable fluid monitoring system has been developed for continuous in situ measurements of physico-chemical parameters of produced water e.g. borehole tests and geothermal fluid loops. Temperature, specific electrical conductivity, pH-value, dissolved oxygen and redox potential (all Endress + Hauser) can be measured simultaneously at pressures and temperatures up to 9 bar and 120 °C, with two filters connected in parallel upstream preventing any clogging of the flow-through cell.

Portable XRF Spectrometry

Model: Bruker Tracer 5

p-XRF is a non-destructive simple to handle elemental analysis technique. It provides a real-time quantification of many elements from Mg to U, which makes it a handy tool on drilling sites. Furthermore, scales can be identified quickly, and suitable sampling locations can be found by screening cores and outcropping rocks.

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