The project GeoClim is embedded in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) research project MiKlip (Decadal Predictions) in Module E: Validation.
Within GeoClim, gravity and RO observations will be processed into Level-3 products that are readily applicable for Earth System Model validation and eventually initialization. GRACE-based products will include globally gridded mass anomalies for both oceans and continents, as well as time-series of mass variability averaged across the largest discharge basins and transport changes across selected ocean transects. From the RO observations, zonally averaged monthly mean temperature and water vapour climatologies will be developed for the upper troposphere lower stratosphere between 5 and 35 km height with vertical resolution of 200m. In addition, tropopause parameter (height, pressure, temperature) climatologies will be provided, together with derived quantities such as gravity wave parameters, temperature gradients and Brunt-Vaisäla frequencies.
In line with the three different development stages (DS) of the MiKlip consortium, preliminary versions of these Level-3 products will be prepared during the first phase (DS1) to develop suitable evaluation metrics and to validate the baseline MiKlip prediction system. Subsequent improvements in the processing will be performed during the second phase (DS2) together with uncertainty assessments of the observations in order to provide a quality-controlled data-set for the evaluation of the prototype MiKlip prediction system (DS2), the synthesis MiKlip system (DS3) and additional process studies as, for example, the hydrological model MCRA.

Funding: BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Status: completed
Schmidt, T., Schoon, L., Dobslaw, H., Matthes, K., Thomas, M. (2016): UTLS temperature validation of MPI-ESM decadal hindcast experiments with GPS radio occultations. - Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 25, 6, p. 673-683.
Zhang, L., Dobslaw, H., Thomas, M. (2016): Globally gridded terrestrial water storage variations from GRACE satellite gravimetry for hydrometeorological applications. - Geophysical Journal International, 206, 1, p. 368-378.
Zhang, L., Dobslaw, H., Dahle, C., Sasgen, I., Thomas, M. (2016): Validation of MPI-ESM Decadal Hindcast Experiments with Terrestrial Water Storage Variations as Observed by the GRACE Satellite Mission. - Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 25, 6, p. 685-694.
Zhang, L., Dobslaw, H., Stacke, T., Güntner, A., Dill, R., Thomas, M. (2017): Validation of terrestrial water storage variations as simulated by different global numerical models with GRACE satellite observations. - Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21, 2, p. 821-837.