The GFZ: logos, board, main building

GFZ Logo

  • The GFZ logo: on the left a circle made up of lines of different thicknesses that could represent a mountain range, in the middle: the letters G F Z, with the F having a gap at the intersection of the lower line, on the right: the name of the Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences.
  • The GFZ logo: on the left a circle consisting of lines of different thicknesses that could represent a mountain range, in the center: the letters G F Z, with the F having a gap at the intersection of the lower line, on the right: the lettering Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences.

GFZ Executive Board

  • Profile picture of Prof. Dr. Susanne Buiter
  • Marco Kupuig in a suit in front of a natural green background.

GFZ campus

  • The Column Forum and the main building of GFZ
  • Main building of GFZ.
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