The Transfer Academy "InnoSuper", funded by the Helmholtz Society, offers various modules to enable more innovation through the training of supervisors. The multi-part program consisting of e-learning, workshops and coaching is designed to impart in-depth knowledge in the field of transfer and innovation. It addresses all specialists and managers who supervise young professionals at the participating centers GFZ, HZDR, KIT and FZJ.
The first round in 2024 took place in German, the English round will be this year, apply here. Places are limited.
Do you supervise junior researchers or do you head a section, workshop, working group or laboratory?
All supervisors are addressed and cordially invited to participate. The first round of the InnoSuper training program has been sucessfully completed in 2024. The application period for the English-language round 2025 is now open.
Everything about the application and further information about the program can soon be found also in English language at