Dipl.-Geogr. Sylvia Pinkerneil

Dipl.-Geogr. Sylvia Pinkerneil
Building C, Room 456 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam
Building C, Room 361/363 (IRMS MAT 253 /IRMS DELTAplusXL, CNS EURO EA)
14473 Potsdam
Building C, Room 352 (Stabile Isotope Wasser)
14473 Potsdam
Building C, Room 354 (Monitoringlabor/Reinstwasser)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

Supervisor of the laboratory for water isotopes - stable isotopes (sediments and water)

Technical assistance to the stable isotope laboratories for lake sediments and water

Field work in monitoring campaigns and expeditions abroad (e.g. TERENO-NO and in Central Asia)

Research Interests:

  • stable isotopes in lake sediments and water
  • palaeoclimate reconstruction
  • human-climate interactions


  • 2016-             Technical assistance in the monitoring program TERENO-NE
  • 2015-             Head of the Water Isotope Laboratory
  • 2014-             Technical Assistance at the Observatory GCO-CA
  • 2007-             Technical assistance in the stable isotope laboratory in the section of climate dynamics and landscape evolution
  • 2011-2014     Technical assistance in the interdisciplinary CADY project
  • 2011-2014     Project assistance in the interdisciplinary international HIMPAC project
  • 2010              Technical assistance in the dendrochronology laboratory in the ISOWOOD project
  • 2008-2010     Technical assistance in the preparation laboratory
  • 2003-2007     Student assistant at the GFZ


1997-2007 Diploma in geography at the Humboldt University in Berlin (minor subjects: meteorology and sociology), subject of the diploma thesis: Selected daily patterns of meteorological variables in connection with individual large-scale weather situations (in cooperation with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)





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