Dr. Saskia Förster

Account-Guest (Guest)
Dr. Saskia Förster
Building A 17, Room 20.12 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

at GFZ until 12/2023:
  • Coordinator of the EnMAP PI project and EnMAP science community, public relations and capacity building activities
  • Coordinator of the HYPERedu education initiative

Research Interests:

  • Lab, field and imaging spectroscopy
  • Land degradation process analysis
  • Water and land resources management
  • Digital soil mapping
  • Flood risk management
  • eLearning and knowledge transfer


since 01/2024

Staff scientist at German Environment Agency (UBA) in competence team satellite remote sensing / Copernicus

02/2010 to 12/2023

Senior researcher and scientific coodinator at the Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics section at GFZ Potsdam

04/2018 to 06/2018

Visiting scientist, Land Resources Unit, Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, Italy

03/2012 to 06/2012

Visiting scientist, Department of Physical Geography, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

07/2009 to 01/2010

Postdoc at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Applied Remote Sensing and Pattern Dynamics at Potsdam University

09/2008 to 06/2009

Postdoc at the Geophysical Institute at Karlsruhe University

02/2003 to 08/2008

Research assistant and PhD student at the Institute of Geo-ecology at Potsdam University



PhD degree, Thesis: An analysis of hydraulic, environmental and economic impacts of flood polder management at the Elbe River


Diploma degree, Thesis: Classification of urban land cover types using airborne hyperspectral scanner data

09/1998 to 07/1999

Study abroad at the University of Southampton/UK, Specialisation in GIS, remote sensing, ecology

1996 to 2002

Geoecology (diploma) at the University of Potsdam/Germany, Specialisation in GIS and remote sensing



EnMAP - Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (BMWK, 2010-2023, www.enmap.org)

FPCUP - Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake (2020-2025, www.copernicus-user-uptake.eu)

SaWaM - Seasonal Water Resources Management in Semi-arid Regions: Application-oriented Transfer of Regionalized Global Information (BMBF, 2017-2020, www.grow-sawam.org)

NG-HY - Next Generation Hyperspectral Instrument (BMWi, 2016-2018)

NatRiskChange - Natural hazards and risks in a changing world (Research Training Group, DFG, 2015-2020, natriskchange.de)

SERES - Impact of eutrophication and sedimentation on water availability (DAAD Probral, 2014-2015, 2020-2021)

HyMedEcos Erosion (EUFAR Transnational Access, 2011)

SESAM - Generation, transport and retention of water and suspended sediments in large dryland catchments: Monitoring and integrated modelling of fluxes and connectivity phenomena, subproject Remote Sensing (DFG, 2010-2014)

FLOODsite - Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies, subprojects Pilot study Elbe River and Identification and ex-post evaluation of existing flood risk management measures (EU 6th FP, 2004-2009, www.floodsite.net)

Möglichkeiten zur Minderung des Hochwasserrisikos durch Nutzung von Flutpoldern an Havel und Oder (BMBF, 2003-2004)

Research Boards and Committees:

Supervision and teaching responsibilities:

  • Regular guest lecturer at the University of Potsdam (Applied Remote Sensing)
  • Advisor of PhD, MSc and BSc students
  • Regular supervisor of high school student interns

Scientific community activities:

Boards and committees:

  • Personal membership in the Association for Geoecology in Germany (VGÖD)
  • Group membership in the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL)
  • Member of the GreenCampus team at GFZ Potsdam and member of the steering group of the Network Helmholtz Climate-Neutral


10/2013 to 10/2014
Selected participant within the Helmholtz Mentoring Programme for scientific leadership training

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