Dr. Robert Milewski

Dr. Robert Milewski
Building A 17, Room 01.08 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

  • Co-lead of MOSES hyperspectral thermal remote sensing applications for the event driven monitoring of heat wave effects on soils and vegetation
  • Co-lead of the sub-working group on the development of standard protocol and scheme for thermal soil spectroscopy in the frame of the IEEE-SA WG P4005 initiative

Research Interests:

  • Hyperspectral Remote and Proximal Sensing in the solar-reflective (VNIR-SWIR), as well as thermal infrared (TIR) spectral region for soil applications
  • Geomorphology and soil erosion
  • Geomorphometry, digital elevation modelling
  • Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction / landscape changes (Holocene & late Pleistocene)


Since 2013    Scientific employee at GFZ Potsdam

2016 - 2020    PhD at University of Potsdam
Dissertation: "Potential of Optical Remote Sensing for the Analysis of Salt Pan Environments"

2006 - 2013     B.Sc and M.Sc in Physical Geography at Free University of Berlin
Master thesis: "Analyses of hyperspectral and LiDAR data toward the morphological assessment of erosion stages of soils in semi-arid Spain"


Current projects:

  • MRV4SOC - Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification of Soil Organic Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Balance, EU Horizon Europe, 2023-2026
  • WORLDSOILS - World Soils Monitoring System, ESA ITT Worldsoils, 2020-2024
  • MOSES - Modular Observation Solutions for Earth Systems: Characterization and monitoring of soil and vegetation responses to heatwave events based on thermal hyperspectral remote sensing, Research infrastructure of the Helmholtz Association (Germany), in operational phase since 2022

Finished projects:

  • MASOMED - MApping SOil variability within rainfed MEDiterranean agroecosystems using hyperspectral data, Transnational Access Project EU-FP7 EUFAR2, 2017-2020
  • GeoArchives - Signals of Climate and Landscape Change preserved in Southern African Geoarchives
    SP1 - Identification and mapping of palaeoenvironmental archives and process analysis in Southern Africa based on hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing technology

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