Dr. Robert Dill

A 20,
326 (Büro)
Function and Responsibilities:
- Modeling and interpretation of Earth rotation and gravity field variation
- Global and continental hydrology, global water cycle
- Operation and development of the numerical hydrological model Land Surface Discharge Model (LSDM).
- Global and regional mass redistributions and interaction between atmosphere, ocean, and land surface.
- Estimation and prediction of surface load deformation
- Earth rotation parameter prediction by dynamic Earth system forecasts
Research Interests:
- Simulation and interpretation of Earth rotation and gravity variations
- Global hydrological processes, global water cycle, terrestrial hydrology
- Global numerical model for terrestrial hydrology Land Surface Discharge Modell (LSDM)
- Global and regional water mass redistributions between atmosphere, ocean and continent and its influence on geodetic observations.
- Calculation/Modelling of surface loading displacements
- Prediction of Earth orientation parameters
- 3D - elastic crustal structure
- 1996: diploma in geophysics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
- 1997: collaboration in ANCORP-project of GeoForschungsZentrum
- 1997–2001: research associate at DGFI (Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut), Munich
- 2001–2005: research associate at FESG (Forschungseinrichtung Satellitengeodäsie), Technical University Munich
- 2002: doctoral thesis:“ The influence of secondary effects on Earth rotation“ (research project granted by DFG)
- since 2005: research associate at GFZ (GeoForschungsZentrum), Potsdam