PhD Nivedita Sairam

Function and Responsibilities:
Nivedita is a junior research group leader at the section Hydrology at GFZ. She leads the BMBF funded junior research group on Health Impacts of Floods (HI-CliF). She is interested in understanding and quantifying flood impacts on built environment, societies and human health. In this respect, she works on advancing systemic methods and data-driven approaches by bringing together concepts of human-water systems with climate-driven flood hazard, socio-economic forcing and impact models.
Research Interests:
2023-current Junior Research Group Leader (HI-CliF, BMBF, GFZ, Potsdam
2022-2023 Climate Vulnerability Researcher, MSCI, Potsdam
2020-2022 Postdoc Researcher (DECIDER, BMBF project), GFZ, Potsdam
2016-2020 PhD. Researcher (Marie-Curie EU project, SystemRisk), GFZ, Potsdam
2015-2016 Graduate Research Assistant Florida Atlantic University, United States
2014-2015 Staff Developer Red Planet Consulting, Chennai, India
2016-2020 PhD in Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Geography, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
2015-2016 Masters of Science in Geomatics, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, United States
2010-2014 Bachelors of Engineering in GeoInformatics, College Of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India
Research Boards and Committees:
2022-current Science Officer, Natural Hazards and Society, EGU
2015-2016 Networking Councilor ASPRS - American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing