Dr. Mohammadmehdi Saberioon

A 17,
20.26 (Büro)
Research Interests:
- Applied remote sensing in different disciplines of agriculture and environment studies
- Field and imaging spectroscopy
- Machine vision
- Image and signal processing
- Machine learning and deep learning
- 2020- pres: Scientific Researcher, German Research Center for Geoscience (GFZ)
- 2015- 2020: Scientific Researcher, Laboratory of Signal and Image processing, Institute of Complex system, Faculty of Fisheries and protection of water, the University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
- 2018 - 2020: Scientific Researcher in Department of soil science and soil protection, Czech university of life science, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2011-2013: Research and Teaching assistance, Institute of advanced technologies, Universiti Putra Malaysia
- 2010-2011: Research assistance, Work-group mega-science work in Agriculture, Academic Science of Malaysia
- 2007-2008: Research and Teaching assistance, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
2014: PhD. Precision Farming Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia
2010: MSc. Agrotechnology, Universiti Putra Malaysia
2004: BSc. Agricultural Engineering, Islamic Azad University
HYPERNETS (2018-2023): An autonomous network of lower-cost hyperspectral radiometers for the validation of all VNIR and SWIR optical satellite missions
AIHABs (2021-2024): AI-powered forecast for Harmful Algal Blooms
APP4FARM (2023-2026): Artificial Intelligence application for Farming
WHEATWATCHER (2024-2028): Safe Wheat Agriculture Towards Sustainable Health: Innovative Sensing Techniques, and Holistic Spectroscopy Traceability for Improved Soil, plant Health and safe wheat grain
BALTFLOODS (2025-2028) : Baltic Flood Resilience and Digital Solutions
Research Boards and Committees:
- 2019 Dean's award for the best application result, Faculty of fisheries and protection of waters, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
- 2005 Outstanding student research from Islamic Azad University (IAU), Iran
- 2002 First rank in the academic program, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Iran