Dr. Meike Bagge

Account-Guest (Guest)
Dr. Meike Bagge
Building A 20, Room 326 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Research Interests:

  • Implementation of the viscoelastic solid-earth component (VILMA) in earth-system models (e.g., PalMod)
  • Derivation and optimization of interfaces between solid-earth, ocean and ice-sheet/shelf models
  • Analysis of impact by changes in sea-level, land/ocean mask and topography on earth-system dynamics at annual to millennial time scales
  • Model validation with geologic and geodetic observation data
  • Estimation of solid-earth dynamics (e.g., glacial isostatic adjustment, earthquakes) for satellite gravimetry (GRACE-FO) and climate applications
  • Numerical modeling of earthquake cycles and analysis of co- and postseismic stress changes and deformation fields


Since 12/2016: Scientist (Postdoc), Earth System Modelling, German Research Centre for Geosciences

  • Numerical modelling of glacial-isostatic adjustment in the PalMod project (German Climate Modeling Initiative)

10/2013–11/2016: Scientist (PhD student), Institute of Geology, Leibniz Universität Hannover

  • Research and teaching in numerical modeling and geophysics, supervision of field trips (Alps, Harz Mountains)

09/2009–08/2013: Technical staff / (student) assistant, Section Seismic and Potential Methods, Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics Hannover

  • Data acquisition, field work, seismic processing, interpretation

10/2012–01/2013: Student assistant for research and teaching, Institute of Geology, Leibniz Universität Hannover

  • Exercise for the lecture Structural Geology

10/2012–10/2012: Conference assistant, GeoHannover
08/2011–10/2011: Internships, Petrologic Geophysical Services GmbH, Hannover und BoSS Consult environmental solution GmbH, Stuttgart


10/2013–02/2017: PhD studies in Geosciences, Leibniz Universität Hannover (Dr. rer. nat., very good)

  • Dissertation: “Three-dimensional numerical modelling of static and transient Coulomb stress changes on intra-continental dip-slip faults“

10/2011–09/2013: Master studies in Geosciences, Leibniz Universität Hannover (M.Sc., very good, 1.0, best of class)

  • Master thesis on three-dimensional finite element modeling of co-and postseismic interaction of faults
  • Project theses on data acquisition, processing, and interpretation of reflection seismic profiles

10/2008–08/2011: Bachelor studies in Geosciences, Leibniz Universität Hannover (B.Sc., very good, 1.5)

  • Bachelor thesis on crustal ages and tectonic structures in the German manganese nodule license area in the central Pacific


Research Boards and Committees:


  • 2023: SCAR Travel grant
  • 2019: EGU Travel grant
  • 2017: ESA Travel grant
  • 2012: Deutschlandstipendium
  • 2008: DPG-Mitgliedschaft
  • 2006: Herschelstipendium

Conference Organization

  • 2023: Co-convenerin und Co-chair, Session G3.3, Advances in investigations of glacial isostatic adjustment and its role in the Earth system, EGU General Assembly
  • 2022: Chair, Paleo sea level and ice sheets for Earth's future, PALSEA 2022 Annual Meeting
  • 2022: Co-convener and Co-chair, Session G3.3, Linking ice sheets, solid Earth and sea levels – observations, analysis and modelling of glacial isostatic adjustment, EGU General Assembly
  • 2021: Convenerin und Chair, Session CR3.9, Characterizing interactions between ice sheets, solid Earth and sea level by observations, data assimilation and coupled modelling, EGU General Assembly
  • 2017: Co-Organizer, PalMod WG1 Meeting, GFZ Potsdam

Communities and Further Interests

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