Dr. Maximilian Schanner

Maximilian Schanner
Dr. Maximilian Schanner
Building A 42, Room 224 (Büro)
Albert-Einstein-Straße 42-46
14473 Potsdam

Research Interests:

  • Paleomagnetism
  • Magnetic field modeling
  • Gaussian processes and Bayesian modeling


2022 - today       Potsdoctoral researcher, applied mathematics, Potsdam university and Section 2.3 "Geomagnetism", GFZ Potsdam
2018 - 2022        PhD Student, Section 2.3 "Geomagnetism", GFZ Potsdam
2018                   Scientific assistant, Lohrmann Observatory TU Dresden
2014 - 2017        Student assistant, Lohrmann Observatory TU Dresden
2013                   Student assistant, Leibniz IFW Dresden


2022            PhD in applied mathematics, Potsdam university
2017            Master of Science in physics, TU Dresden
2015            Erasmus stay at NTNU Trondheim
2014            Bachelor of Science in physics, TU Dresden

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