Dr. Marvin Reich

Function and Responsibilities:
Research fellowResearch Interests:
Hydrological processes above the surface, in the vadose zone & groundwater
Soil moisture variations in space and time
Gravity gradient measurements
Cosmic ray neutron sensing, electrical resistivity and other geophysical measurements
Quantumgravimetry (metrological perspective as well as applied measurements in both lab and outdoors)
Advancing gravimetry as a method for applied hydrological field applications
since 2021: Research fellow, collaborative research centre "TerraQ" (Section Hydrology, GFZ, Potsdam)
2017 - 2021: Research fellow and engineer, project "MOSES" (Section Hydrology, GFZ, Potsdam)
2017: Instructor for Software and Data Workshops (Software Carpentry Foundation)
2013 - 2017: Research fellow (PhD student) (Section Hydrology, GFZ, Potsdam)
2013: Technician (soil physics lab) (Section Hydrology, GFZ, Potsdam)
2011 - 2013: Research assistant (Section Hydrology, GFZ, Potsdam)
2010 - 2011: Student assistant (Engineering consultants for Hydrology „Asbrand“, Berlin)
2009 - 2010: Project assistant (Ezcurra & Schmidt, Buenos Aires)
2013 - 2023: Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) (University of Potsdam), Dissertation: "Advances of hydrogravimetry - Terrestrial gravimeters as field tools for hydrological applications“"
2010 - 2013: Studies Geotechnology (M.Sc.,Technical University Berlin), Master thesis: "Hydrological processes in periglacial slope deposits on schist"
2007 - 2008: Study aboard Geology (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
2005 - 2009: Studies Geotechnology (B.Sc., Technical University Berlin), Bachelor thesis: "Verlauf eines Markierungsversuchs in einem Porengrundwasserleiter, Elsterwerda"Projects:
Research Boards and Committees:
Gender and Diversity board (TerraQ, since 2021)
Vice-Chair of IAG working group Q.1 "Quantum gravimetry in space and on ground"
Environmental application representative in the IGETS steering board