Dr. Heiko Apel

C 4,
2.31 (Büro)
Function and Responsibilities:
Senior scientist in the section 5.4 Hydrology.Research Interests:
Flood risk analysisHydraulic Modelling
Model optimization
Sedimentdynamics and -transport
Hydrological processes
- since 12/2002Scientist/Researcher at the section 5.4 Hydrology of GFZ
- 10/1998-05/2002PhD at the Institute of Geoecology of the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany, Section Environmental System Analysis.
- 10/1991-03/1998Study of Geoecology at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany.
Diploma thesis: "Feasibility Study of the Development of a Decision Support System for Integrated Pest Management by Means of Fuzzy Logic and Expert Knowledge in Developing Countries with an Nepali Agro-Ecosystem as an Example"
Recent Projects :
- RIM2D Validation project
Finalized Projects :
- Drought-Adapt (Drought adaptation in the Central Highlands of Vietnam)
- Catch-Mekong ("Sediment and salt water dynamics in the Mekong delta and impacts of upstream developments"
- CAWa ("Regionales Forschungsnetzwerk Wasser in Zentralasien")
- WISDOM II ("Water-related Information System for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta")
- DEWFORA ("Improved Drought Early Warning and forecasting to strengthen prepardness and adaptation to droughts in Africa")
- Helmhotz-EOS Natural Disasters Networking Platform NaDiNe
- WISDOM ("Water-related Information System for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta")
- Operationelle Abfluss- und Hochwasservorhersage in Quellgebieten (OPAQUE)
- WISDOM, Water related information system for the Mekong, Vietnam
- Integrated control centre for environmmental disasters UMWLS – Basic concepts for an integrated monitoring and control system for natural and environmental disasters
- Quantification of economic flood losses of large scale damage scenarios
- German Research Network on Natural Disasters (DFNK) - Project funded bythe strategy fonds of the German Ministry of education and Research (BMBF), coordinated by the GFZ
- DFNK-Subproject A 4.2:
Methods for flood risk assessment considering of uncertainty aspects