Dr. Franziska Wilke

Function and Responsibilities:
Head of the electron mircoprobe laboratoryResearch Interests:
Petrology and petrography of metamorphic, effusive and intrusive igneous rocks (supporting Topic 3,5 and 8). (U)HP metamorphic rocks: investigations about subduction and exhumation ( Photo selected for the EGU blog). Geochronology using the U-Pb system but also using thermochronology (Ar-Ar, fission-track, (U-Th)/He.
CRMgeothermal (EU-funded project - ongoing since July 2022) - also on GFZ webpage
REEs and Fluoride in geothermal systems of the East African Rift System (EU, VW and GFZ-funded, ongoing)
"Contaminants, distribution and transport in groundwater within the Central Kenya Rift" (VW-Foundation; former project)
M4ShaleGas (a Horizon 2020 Project; former project)
COSONOStRA – CO2-SO2-NOX-Stimulated Rock Alteration (in GeoEn; former project)