Duhwan Keum

Building A 27, Room 101 (Büro)
14473 Potsdam

Function and Responsibilities:

PhD students working on interpretation of marine terrace structure on Noto peninsula and Sado Island, Japan with Luca Malatesta.

I'm interested in reconstructing the generation and preservation of marine terrace structure with computer modeling, and applying those insights on actual topography.

Research Interests:

Geomorphology, Numerical modeling, Topographic evolution model, Wave erosion processes

- Current research

TEMARI: Tectonic and wave controls on the generation and preservation of marine terraces, DFG-funded project (no. 524080107).

Analyzing the impact of dam break in North Korea.

- Former research

Research for sustainable usage of Dokdo, funded by KIOST (Korea Institute of Oceanic Sciences and Technologies)


Sept. 2022 - Jun. 2024

Master of Science (Earth System Sciences), Yonsei University, Korea

Mar. 2016 - Feb. 2022
Bachelor of Science (Earth and Environmental Sciences), Korea University, Korea

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