Dr. Dorothee Keppler

Function and Responsibilities:
EU-Consultant Projects and International AffairsCareer:
03/2020-02/2024 Project coordinator at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Research Department III Transformation Pathways
- Support for and coordination of proposals and projects
- Main Projects
10/2000-08/2019 Researcher at the Center for Technology and Society (ZTG) of the TU Berlin: Involvement in and lead of projects; from 2013: coordination of the Climate and Energy working group
- field test absorption chillers for CHPC systems (FAkS) (BMWi)
- High Tech – Low Ex: Energy Efficiency Berlin Adlershof 2020 (BMWi)
- Energy Atlas Berlin – the urban region Berlin as a test field for the development and introduction of a tool to for infrastructure planning for CO2-reduced cities (Climate KIC)
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern as a lead region for economic development through renewable energies (concept study on behalf of the SPD parliamentary group M-V)
- Activity and involvement – increase acceptance of renevable energies through participation (BMU)
- Energy region Lusatia. New perspectives for the use and acceptance of renewable energies (BMU)
- Evaluation of the developmental partnership "Restart" (GI EQUAL)
- Gender and Sustainability (BMBF)
11–12/2018 Researcher at the department Urban planning and sustainable urban development, TU Berlin; project:“Mapping policy interactions in the plastic recycling sector across Europe” (EU)
08/2013–03/2014 Researcher at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen for the “Bioenergy region Ludwigsfelde Plus+”
06/2012–06/2013 Consultant for the regional energy concept of the planning region Mecklenburgische Seenplatte
11/2007–04/2008 Evaluation of the exhibition „Energieland Lausitz“ (Energy land Lusatia) on behalf of the International Building Exhibition (IBA) Fürst-Pückler-Land
10/2005-07/2006 Consultant for nexus, Institute for cooperation management and interdisciplinary research
09/2001–06/2002 Researcher at the Institute for technical acoustics at the TU Berlin; Project: „Sustainable consumer behaviour through ecological services and organized community use in the urban living environment (Berlin)“ (BMBF)
09/1999–08/2003 Lecturer (freelance) at the Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-StiftungEducation:
06/2008-06/2013: PhD at the TU Berlin, Faculty IV Planning Building Environment, on the topic: "Options for action of regional actors in the expansion of renewable energies - limits of recommendations based on regional sciences and expansion possibilities through concepts from the sociology of technology"
10/1988-06/1997: Study of Landscape planning at the TU Berlin; focus on social science aspects of environmental research. Diploma thesis: "Caring economy to overcome the waste problem. The importance of 'female' competencies for the development of socio-ecological forms of action"