Dipl.-Geogr. Daniel Acksel

C 4,
1.11 (Büro)
Function and Responsibilities:
Head Central Workshop
Research Interests:
- Geothermal Energy
- Geological Storage
- Energy and Heat Transition, German Energiewende
- Research infrastructure
- Science Management & Change
- Technology Transfer
- since 2019 Department Speaker for Department 4 "Geosystems“ at the German Reserach Center for Geosciences GFZ
- since 2020 Speaker Central Workshop (Head)
- 2016-2018 Department Speaker for Department 6 "Geotechnologies“ at GFZ
- 2018 Department Speaker for "Data, Information and IT Services" at GFZ
- 2016-2017 Department Speaker for Department „Geoservices“ at GFZ
- 2012-2015 Scientific Coordinator for Technology Transfer and Research Infrastructure at GFZ
- 2011-2014 Admin. Project Manager at GFZ for large-scale project "Project for Training, Education and Consulting for Tsunami Early Warning Systems“ (PROTECTS, 7 Mio€)
- 2007-2011 Project Manager at GFZ for "German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System“ (GITEWS, 53 Mio€)
- since 2007 Freelance Consultant for Technical Environmental Protection
- 2006-2007 Project Manager at Deutsche Montan Technologie GmbH (DMT) for Toxic Waste, Waste Management und Hydrology, Betriebsbeauftragter Abfallseise
- 2005-2006 Project Managerat DE-Consult Deutsche Eisenbahn-Consulting GmbH ( DB International) for Toxic Waste and Waste Management
- 2004-2005 Employee of DMT-Potsdam branch of Deutsche Montan Technologie GmbH (DMT), Leader of Subproject in a German-Chinese Joint Research Project on sustainable drinking water supply of Beijing/China
- 2004 Employee of GFZ Potsdam for "Sediment and Basin Formation“, Organization of fieldwork in Kenya to obtain lake sediments for paleo climate research
- 2019 (Apr-Aug) Exchange with the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur (MWFK)
- 2016 Management Audit by Egon Zehnder
- 2015-2016 Helmholtz Management Academy, Program "Taking the Lead“
- 2015 Helmholtz Management Academy, Program "Lateral Leadership“
- 2010 Media Training/ Interviews/ Risk and Crisis Communication
- 1996-2003 Diplom Physical Geography, Minor Subjects Geology and Geoinformatics, University of Potsdam.
- 1993-1996 Studies of Mathematics and Social Science, University of Potsdam
Excerpt, at GFZ:- Network CO2zero Berlin-Brandenburg
- Setup of core elements of a national triaxial-high-pressure- press cluster (TriCC, 1.9 Mio €)
- Kopernikus Project Energiewende Navigationssystem (ENavi)
- Wärme neu gedacht! (Zwanzig20 Forum Wärmewende; 0.9 Mio€)
- Digital Underground Models – Geotechnologies for Heat Transfer and Climate Protection (0.6 Mio€)
- Advanced Remote Sensing - Ground Truth Demo and Test Facilities (ACROSS; 2.5 Mio€)
- Project for Training, Education and Consulting for Tsunami Early Warning Systems“ (PROTECTS, 7 Mio€)
- German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System“ (GITEWS, 53 Mio€)
Research Boards and Committees:
- since 2023 GFZ representative in CO2zero e.V. (GFZ is founding member)
- 2020-2022 Member of the Directorium of the Renewable Energy Research Association (FVEE)
- 2016-2020 Member of Body of Experts on "Energy Efficiency“ of the Energy Technology Cluster Berlin/ Brandenburg
- 2016-2019 Member of Consulting Committee "Weiterbildungssystem Energietechnik“ of the Energy Technology Cluster Berlin/Brandenburg
- 2015-2019 Coordinator Zwanzig20 Forum Wärmewende
- 2010-2015 Constituent Member of Working Group "AG Controlling of Large-Scale Projects" under guidance by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)